Sarah Von Bargen

Real Life Style Icon: Ann of 'Blue Hue Wonderland'

This is one of many Real Life Style Icon interviews in which we talk to clever, interesting humans who also happen to be painfully stylish. And then we distract them while we raid their closets.

Name: Ann
Age: Old enough to remember the eighties with clarity.
Location: St. Paul, Minnesota
Online haunts: blog // google

Three reasons you're awesome: 1. I’m an artist who collaborates with my husband creating mechanical art pieces.
2. I’ve often stopped the car or entered an abandoned building to help an animal in need.
3. Just found a recipe for a killer chocolate brownies made from black beans.

What are you wearing right now, as you type this?
As soon as I arrive home for the evening I’m in pajamas.

What is the last item of clothing you bought?
A jacket by BCBG for half price, something I've been watching for a couple of months.

What is the item of clothing you most covet at the moment?
Right now I'm on the hunt for a cool white bag. I know it's out there, just haven't found it yet.

Tell us about a favorite childhood memory about your clothes.
I remember battling with my mom over the color red. I love it and she didn't! It was school picture day and I wanted to wear a red dress and I did.

What is your best thrifting score?
Last year I found some brown suede boots that I've worn out. They had a great sixties feel and went with everything.

Could you tell us your top three style tricks/DIYs?1. A coat is my favorite item of clothing. I look for coats with interesting details and in a variety of patterns and colors.
2. Gray tights go with just about everything. They are a nice break from the standard black.
3. I enjoy wearing knit dresses in the summer because of the comfort and easy care.

Thanks so much for sharing, Ann!
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