Monday, June 3, 2024

Hey, It's Okay

I got this idea from Glamour magazine. You can link up any day of the week. All you have to do is make a list of what you're okay about. Simple! Please do not link up a post that has nothing to do with Hey, It's Okay. It's rude and I'll delete the link.

HEY, IT'S OKAY.... be glad this is the last week of school. Natalie only goes until Thursday and luckily Wednesday and Thursday are half days. need to start packing for our Disneyland trip. We leave on Sunday. Ack! I am not the best packer. I won't be posting on my blog next week, but you can follow along on our adventures via my Instagram. be going in for a mammogram this week. I know it's important to do. I just need to remember no deodorant, which is tough because it's HOT here and I know I'll be sweating a bit. be glad that we found a wildlife place that would take the baby bird Natalie found on the sidewalk. It was just THERE and she was like, "I can't leave it!" So she took it home, found a YouTube on what to feed baby birds and how to keep it warm, and took care of it all night. She googled wildlife rescues and found one who took the bird. She's hoping the bird will be okay! Fingers crossed! always look forward to Pride every year. I love all the rainbows. Natalie came out as pansexual in middle school but even before then, I always believed love is love and that a person should always live as their authentic selves. I never understand the people who don't understand that. I love that the Disney parks always has Pride areas set up for pics!

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Sunday, June 2, 2024

Theatre Banquet Fun With Mythology Theme

Natalie loves a good theme.

She usually has a theme for her birthday parties. In March she had her birthday party and the theme was cosmic space or something like that. 

So when the theatre banquet announced that the theme was mythology, she was thrilled. She takes themes seriously.

I had found these nifty gladiator sandals on sale on Amazon. 

She found a dress on Etsy and knew she wanted to get her hair re-dyed so the roots weren't showing, because heaven forbid. 

Here's the dress and I caught her mid step, so oops:

She went with friends:

She found the headpiece on Amazon here!

She said she had the best time at the banquet.  (Although she says many people were not dressed for the theme.) 

It went even better because she found out that she was elected as a thespian officer for the next school year. 

While I'm a bit sad that it'll be her SENIOR YEAR (sob!) I am glad it'll be a fantastic one for her. She likes all her fellow officers, so she says it'll be an amazing group.

Do you enjoy a themed party?

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Hey, It's Okay

I got this idea from Glamour magazine. You can link up any day of the week. All you have to do is make a list of what you're okay about. Simple! Please do not link up a post that has nothing to do with Hey, It's Okay. It's rude and I'll delete the link.

HEY, IT'S OKAY.... hope Natalie has the best time at her theatre banquet on Saturday. It's the last big shindig before school is out next week. be taking Natalie to get her hair done Friday so it looks nice for the banquet. She probably will get a trim and re-dye her hair the red she's been sporting. not be pleased that Texas has already reached the high 90s with horrific humidity. It's going to be a miserable summer. Our electric bill is going to be awesome. once again be happy that Flix Brewhouse shows classic films. I got us tickets to see Jurassic Park at the end of June. Such a fabulous movie! have picked up this blue milk at Walmart from TruMoo. It tastes like sweeter milk. The one at Galaxy's Edge tastes better, because it's more of a slush, but this is a nice flavor. Perfect for Star Wars fans!

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