Anna Preston

9 Of The Best Decluttering Podcasts

Find out the 9 podcasts you should be listening to so that your home, and lifestyle can remain decluttered. Decluttering can become an amazing lifestyle habit that keeps your cheap self storage unit, and your home clean, clear and beautiful. There is always room for inspiration and tips though to make it easier and quicker to stay decluttered, which is where podcasts come in. You can have them on in the background as you commute, cycle or clean without having to watch and pay attention. To help you get started, here are 9 podcasts you should be listening to so your home remains decluttered:

1. DeCluttr Me

The podcast releases an episode every week with tips and tricks on organising your home and decluttering. The podcast is great as it doesn’t only focus on decluttering physical items, but on digital items too.

2. The Minimalists Podcast

If you were a fan of the Minimalists Documentary on Netflix then you will absolutely love this podcasts from Josh and Ryan, who offer plenty of tips and discussions on living with less.

3. The Art Of Decluttering

The podcast, by Amy and Kirsty is really light and includes lots of chats and discussions about keeping the home organised. As the two declutter for work, they have a lot of tips to help a wide range of households.

4. Minimalism On Wheels

If you are into small homes and camper van lifestyles then you will appreciate this podcast. It talks about living as a minimalist in a camper van but clearly the tips and approaches can be applied to any space, including a standard home.

5. Fun Therapy

Mike Foster offers a therapy session with a guest in each episode and digs out the mess, and the beauty. This podcast is about an approach to emotional clutter and to life itself so it is perfect if you want a deeper approach to decluttering,

6. Keeping You Organised

The show gives you the cream of the crop when it comes to decluttering and organising. This is the perfect show if you want handpicked advice from the very best in the business.

7. An Uncluttered Life

The podcast is led by Betsy and Warren who got sick of boring and unfulfilling lives and jobs. Instead, the chose to utilise decluttering strategies in all aspects of their life to find happiness in many unexpected ways.

8. A Slob Comes Clean

Decluttering is central in the focus of this podcast by Tsh Oxenrider who believes that life can be so much more simple than it often is. You can get a lot of easy tips in this podcast about decluttering, as well as plenty of tips on finding mindfulness and simplicity in life in general.

9. The Slow Home Podcast

Brooke hosts this podcast about minimalism which stemmed from a personal experience with depression. The minimal lifestyle helped her recover and she shares her tips on decluttering , minimalism and spiritual methods of mentally stripping everything back.

Hopefully these 9 podcasts have inspired you to have a listen and take on board some tips and tricks related to stripping everything back. If your cheap self storage unit (see is overflowing, your spare room is full to the max, or your life is just too full, why not listen to a podcast and see what it has to offer?

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