The world is rapidly moving towards online systems. If it is about online applications, online interviews or online work, it is getting very common. For all the business sectors that are on the initial level, they usually prefer online applications and work for many reasons. The online system provides flexibility in the process. The current Covid-19 pandemic has shown many pros and cons of online applications for the employee. Almost all private sectors did not stop working, but they shifted their system from office to online. Companies got an idea about the online system. Now even the situation of the pandemic is normal to still companies preferring the online system. But the usage of online working is still limited because it has many disadvantages too.
Here are some major advantages as well disadvantages of online applications for the employee.
Pros of Online Applications
While hiring any employee, company and employee both face cost issues. It also includes ads in the newspaper and all the processes after that. But now there is an excellent solution to save this money. It is an online applications system for employees. The company created its website, where it uploads the application form. The company set its registration fee there. Now interested candidates pay the registration fee through the online system and apply for the job online. It does not matter where they are located. Especially for remote areas, it becomes very easy to apply for the job. This all is just because of online applications for the employee. It is useful in saving costs on both ends. Employees and companies both get an advantage out of it.
It also saves money in the form of data entry. By manual means, the company has to hire a particular employee for data entry. When the system is online, there is no need to do that. So it not only save money but also saves efforts of the time.
Mass Reach
The Internet has provided easy access to all. Candidates from all over the world can search and apply for the job they are interested in. Sometimes people move from one place to another, when they see attractive job package and righteous job. Companies working on a larger scale provide the facility of residence. By providing online applications for employment, the company provides a mass reach to the candidates. The company use its website for uploading job advertisements. Also, they use other platforms like social media and blogs. Many websites on Internet are specified for posting jobs. This much mas reach is not possible without an online system. It includes not only national but also includes international reach for the applications. Applicants can check out anything at any time. There is not any time limit in online applications.
Confirmation Receipt
According to a dissertation writing firm, another advantage of online applications for an employee is that it assures you about your application. When the applicant applies for any post, after a complete process, he receives a confirmation email. This approach satisfies the applicants that they have applied for the post. It helps in saving data for the future. Also, it becomes easy to sort out data based on the qualification and experience of the job. If the company do not consider any person right now, they save it for the future. For a future company already have some data. For example, there is no post of HR right now. The company finds a CV that is more suitable for the post of HR. In the online system, data is digitally saved. In future, when the company will need HR, they can consider the saved CV.
Cones of Online Applications
Complicated Process
Applying an online system is not that easy task to do. It isn't very easy in the sense of the process. Every company has their online portals. They not only ask for a CV, but they create registration portals there. Applicants go through the whole process. First, they have to create their ID for the particular company. Then they are asked to fill the questionnaire and write a cover letter there. It is a lengthy process. Most of the time, applicants face errors in the portal. They get frustrated because of this delay. This frustration leads them to quit the page. In this way, the company may lose a golden chance. And sometimes, it is the bad luck of an applicant who misses a golden opportunity because of portal errors.
Also, those people, who do not have easy access to the Internet, suffer the situation.
Non-traditional Data
When software or website receives a bundle of applications, it gets slow. Then it became difficult to handle all those. In an online system, people add their CV almost everywhere. They do not bother about the experience and expertise mentioned by the company. This bundle of non-traditional data create a problem for the company. This bunch of application require lots of time to handle it and process further.
Also, the company face issues in the formats and sizes of the file. Therefore, the candidate does not follow the requirements. In such cases company do not consider unmatched data. As a result, candidates with exact qualifications often do not hire because of different file sizes and formats. In this way, the online application approach creates a problem for the company. Also, the applicant suffers the situation.
Software System
When a company use software, they set some keywords for the required job. Sometimes candidates have not used that exact word in their CV. Based on that keyword, many candidates do not enter the list of shortlisted people. This is a drawback of using online applications for employers. If there comes an error in the software, it is again a disadvantage of using online applications for the employee. Also, for working on any software, the company has to invest in it. First, the company buys the software then trains its employee to work on that. It requires time to train the employee. Then it is also important to check the credibility and errors of the software.
We can also see many online scams. Many people use it for bad purposes. In this way, applicants lose their interest in the online system.