Google mail is one of the most popular and trusted email services around the globe that are used by millions of people for both personal and professional use.
In today's blog, we will be talking about the SMTP server settings of the Google mail that allow the users to send emails.
Google mail SMTP server - Gmail SMTP server address: enter in this field - Gmail SMTP name: type out your full name in this field - Gmail SMTP username: you will need to enter your full email address here - Gmail SMTP password: enter your mail password correctly in this field - Gmail SMTP port (TLS): enter 587 in this field - Gmail SMTP port (SSL): enter 465 in this field Given below are the Google mail SMTP settings that are quite helpful during the set up of your mail account
- Requires SSL: tick yes for this field - Requires TLS: tick yes for this field - Requires authentication / Use authentication: tick yes for this field - Requires secure connection / Use secure connection: tick yes for this field These are the SMTP setup settings that can help you in sending emails when you are using third-party clients like Outlook.