
Anxiety: Coaching and Dealing with Fears

What is fear?

Fear is a natural response to impending danger. It is an important emotion for survival. Your body goes into a state of readiness and prepares to fight or flee. Some of the symptoms of anxiety include a faster heart rate, rising blood pressure, tense muscles, perspiration and rapid breathing. Sudden and intense fear is what we call panic. Anxiety or panic is usually short-lived. It will disappear by itself when the dangerous situation is over.

Thanks to fear, we avoid dangerous situations. The danger can come from outside, for example a forest fire, or from within yourself, for example with fear of failure. When anxiety comes back regularly, is severe and not in proportion to what you are afraid of, you have anxiety symptoms. Here you can find health anxiety help.

Consequences of Anxiety

Stress is at the root of anxiety. It is a form of insecurity that you experience and that entails a lot of physical and psychological complaints. Some of the consequences of anxiety are:

• Shallow breathing and hyperventilation

• Digestive Problems

• High blood pressure

• Back and neck complaints

• Headache

• Panic attacks

Pressure to perform and perfectionism are also linked to anxiety. The natural protective function of fear fades and you try to avoid what scares you as much as possible.

When do you have an anxiety disorder?

Sometimes fear can be paralyzing. You don't know how to control your fear that affects your behavior and sensations. The fear is intense and disproportionate to what you fear. You can start avoiding certain situations in order not to be confronted with your fear. Does your fear interfere with your daily life? A coach can determine whether you have an anxiety disorder and how you can overcome your fear.

Anxiety comes in many different types. For example, you may be anxious:

• To fail = fear of failure

• Around people = social anxiety

• For specific situations, places, animals, etc. = a phobia

• With very violent and sudden peaks = panic attack

Many people mistakenly believe that they are the only ones who are afraid of something. However, a large part of the population will have to deal with a certain anxiety disorder in his or her life. Talking about this can be a relief for yourself and others.

Overcome Fear

The first step is often facing your fear and recognizing that it is there. By talking about your fears, you can regain control of your life. Together with a coach you discover the causes of your fear and you learn methods to overcome your fear.

By taking the step to coaching, you remove part of the load and you get space to look at your fear objectively. This increases the chance to let go of your fear. You trade powerlessness for control. Contact a coach for help with health anxiety treatment.

Tips for anxiety

• Keep breathing calmly. Try to breathe from your belly and take quiet deep gulps, this soothes the fear.

• Do not make choices when you are anxious. Chances are you will regret this later. Wait for a quiet moment to review the situation.

• Avoidance often has the opposite effect. It magnifies your fear and traps you in it.

• Focus on the positive: Instead of holding onto the worst-case scenario, think about what you do want it to be. Often that is not even that impossible.

• Humor has a fear-reducing effect.

• Physical contact helps you relax. A hug, a touch or just being close to someone you feel good with is reassuring. Feel free to ask about this.

• Talk about it with someone you trust.

Fear of corona

Are you afraid of the corona measures? Are you afraid of getting infected by the coronavirus, losing someone or being lonely? Or do you feel anxious for another reason such as financial anxiety or family pressure? Then specific coaching for fear of corona can be of great help.

Fear of terrorism

After the bombings in Paris, Brussels and Zaventem, many people are afraid of terrorism and attacks. You are not alone. Terrorism literally means 'frightening' and it can certainly give you a feeling of insecurity or insecurity. If this fear hinders you in your daily life, for example visiting crowded places or taking the metro, it is good to talk about this with a coach. Together you ensure that your fear does not get the upper hand.

Processing traumas

Did you witness a terrorist attack or other atrocities up close? Then there is a good chance that you have suffered a trauma from that. There can be a fear of using the metro, trains, planes or meeting in a crowded place with large groups of people. It may be advisable to contact a trauma coach to process a trauma.

Afraid of ISIS

The attacks that are in the news are increasing fear of IS and Islam, Muslims and foreigners in general. Coaching can help you to see which fears are justified and which are not. And how to deal with your fears.

Don't let fear rule your daily life. Take control of your life again with a coach.

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