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What is Auto Clicker? What are benifits of it?

Auto clicker are a type of software or macro that can be used to automate clicking. They can be triggered to generate input that was recorded earlier or generated from various current settings.

Auto clickers can be as simple as a program that simulates mouse clicking. This type of auto-clicker is fairly generic and will often work alongside any other computer program running at the time and acting as though a physical mouse button is pressed.

More complex auto clickers can similarly be as general, but often are custom-made for use with one particular program and involve memory reading. Such auto clickers may allow the user to automate most or all mouse functions, as well as simulate a full set of keyboard inputs. Custom-made auto clickers may have a narrower scope than a generic auto clicker.

Auto clickers or also called Automation software programs may also have features enabling response conditional reactions, as well as keyboard input.

Advantages of Free Auto Clicker

Though it is a free auto clicker is free software, we strived for excellence when developed it. Comparing with a number of other software that similar to ours, Free Auto Clicker has some remarkable advantages as follow:

All set parameters can be saved.

Type of click, time interval and hotkey that you set can be saved completely, when you run it the next time, it will apply the parameters that being used last time. While many other competing software don’t have this function, make it quite troublesome and time-wasting to set parameter again.

It can auto start when computer start up.

All the other auto click software online can’t auto start, but for some gamers, auto click software is a necessarily supplementary tool, it can be very inconvenient if it can’t auto start. If you don’t need this software start automatically, it can set it not to auto start too.

It can minimize to tray.

Most competing software only can minimize to taskbar, when we run quite a lot programs in computer or we need the minimized programs show on the monitor, they can make us confusing. With the function of minimizing to tray, we can use it and other software easily. When we need it ,we can only use the hotkey to start it. In addition, it is a tiny software with tiny memory, has zero bad effect when using computer.

Attention: if you want to log out Free Auto Clicker, please click “Exit” button below the software window, or you can right click the tray icon and click “Exit” menu. It only can minimize to tray if you click the close button on top right corner of the window rather than quit the software.

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