Katherine Conley

How to Check for Squirrels in the Attic

Squirrels are cute and fuzzy creatures and mostly harmless. But they cause serious problems for the homeowners and can be so tough to get rid of from your home. If the squirrels are present in your home attic, it is difficult to get them out of that place. To eliminate them, hiring a squirrel removal Toronto service will help you in the removal process. They will use safer methods to remove them from your home attic and uses essential steps to prevent them from entering again.

Signs You May Have Squirrels in Your Home Attic:

When squirrels live in your home attic, they often create a real mess by gnawing on things or leaving behind feces and urine. Even small damage in a small area caused by them can lead to costly repairs. The following are some of the signs to look for if you suspect the presence of squirrels in your home.

Hearing the Unusual Noises:

Squirrels are small creatures but can have the ability to make considerable sounds when they are present in your home. You can be able to listen to the loud scampering noises early in the morning and in the evening. Squirrels also sleep at night like humans and they are mostly active at the time when humans are also active. You may also hear the banging and scurrying sounds from your attic when they move around.

Foul Smells:

Squirrel urine becomes very potent in your home and its smell will emanate through the walls and by heating or cooling vents. Also, there is a high chance for the squirrels to stuck inside and die which causes a more powerful smell. When you begin to smell the foul odors, it could be a sign of the presence of the squirrels.

Damages to Your Home:

Entering your attic through the hole in your siding is one of the easiest ways for the squirrels to make an entry into your home. You should spend more time inspecting the exterior of your home. If you found any cracks or holes around the vents, windows, or between the roofs, there is a good chance for a squirrel to make its way into your attic.

Mess in Your Attic:

When you notice a mess of insulation, debris, and wires, there is a high chance of squirrel presence in your home. Squirrels use their teeth to chew their way into the attic in order to build their nest. So, if you found any teeth marks on the wood beams, wires, and other materials in your attic, their presence is confirmed.


Squirrels can cause serious damage to your home when you are not taking enough steps to get rid of them out from your home. From the above, you can be able to easily guess the presence of this creature in your home and take effective steps to remove them in a safe manner.

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