Choosing the right pillow for you
Think about it, like a lifeteme investment!
Its a well known fact that we spend the two third of our lifetime on a matress, so people tend to choose these items very wisely. But it is a less known fact that the pillows has got the same importance, when it comes to sleeping.
The benefit is very good to you, if you take your pillows into deep concideration, because it is the essence of a healthy sleep. A bad quality pillow is not only reduces the amount of quality sleeping, but also gives you aches and different kind of pains in your body.
Every people has its own need for sleeping, the situation is the same when it comes to pillows. There are three different types of sleeping. You can do it on your side, on your back or on your stomach.
The perfect pillow can be considered as flexibel during nighttime, giving a really healthy rest to your head, shoulders and in general, your body.
Do you sleep on your back?
Then we suggest to choose a thin, lighty pillow which will perfectly adjust to the strength and weight of your neck and shoulders. The perfect amount of loft is in charge to provide you the restful sleep, that you need on your back, without disturbing you in any way. Small pillows of Hamvay-Láng can be just the perfect choice for you, back sleepers!
Do you sleep on your stomach?
Did you ever wondered, wheter a perfect and thinnest pillow was ever made for stomach sleepers? Good news for you, that it is made! Enough alignment for your body and enough pressure balance everyvere, but no extra pressure. Actually, for stomach sleepers, no pillow is the best pillow.
Are you a side sleeper?
If yes, pillow can mean the heaven itself for you. Side sleeping not only require a pillow between the ears and shoulders, wich holds your balance tight, but a pillow between your legs can also be a great supportive strategy, in advance to do some good for your spine.
Each of Hamvay-Láng pillows can suit you!
It’s all about the filling
Not only the sleeping habit and position is essentian in your sleeping, but also the firmness and strength of your chosen pillow. In today’s market, every kind of pillow fillings can be found, that’s why you have to choose very wisely. First of all, there is the cheapest: polyester, and its synthetic filling. Which is good for your wallet, gives you a restful sleeping, but not a long-term helthy way of sleeping.
You always wanted a pillow that covers the shape of your lines perfectly? Then the memory foam pillows are made for you, personally. Expensive, but effective at the same time.
If you are a fan of a gentle sleeping and a very quality filling in your pillow, we suggest you to choose the feather stuffed ones. Nor feather, neither the down pillows disturb you at night, but we still recommend the second one. Not only because of nearly the same wramth generating effect, but for the rest that it is able to serve for you and your health.
A good sleep is where the perfect pillow is.
First of all, you have to measure the habits of your sleep, then depending on what kind of a sleeper are you and what kind of needs do you have, you will be able to choose the pillow thats right for you, based on night sleeping positions and the fillings and strengths that these require.