Performance factors like speed or weight of a web page are crucial. It is therefore essential to test the performance of your site and identify areas for improvement.
We often take great care in the design and ergonomics of a website (rightly so), but performance is sometimes left out.
However, performance factors such as the speed or weight of a web page are crucial: they influence natural referencing, bounce rate, conversion rate and even have an impact on the carbon footprint of the Internet.
This is why it is essential to test the performance of your site and identify areas for improvement.
That's good, we have selected 8 tools for you that will perfectly fulfill this role. Note that this article contains sponsored results.
PageSpeed Insights: PageSpeed Insights is a Google tool for analyzing the speed of a web page on the web and mobile.
In addition to assigning a score to the speed of your page, the tool lists the various points to improve and the classes in order of priority.
PageSpeed Insights even gives you detailed explanations to fix problems that affect page speed.
GTmetrix: GTmetrix is another very practical solution for analyzing the speed of your site.
It is particularly practical since it displays both the results of Pagespeed and Yslow, two recognized measurement tools.
This allows you to compare different opinions on the performance of your site and have lots of tips to optimize it. GTMetrix also allows you to compare the performance and speed of two web pages.
Uptrends: If Uptrends is a fairly common speed test tool, it has the advantage of offering many test locations.
To clarify, the place from which someone visits your site has an impact on the speed of your site.
Indeed, if the main server that hosts your site is in Paris, the loading will be much longer for a visitor located in China than for another located in Lyon.
With Uptrends, you are sure to be able to measure the speed of your site from a city close to your server (in France, you have the choice between Paris and Lille). Result: a more reliable and faithful analysis, which all tools of this kind do not allow.
Browser Calories: Browser Calories is an extension for browsers (available for Chrome, Firefox, and Opera) which, instead of measuring the speed of a web page, focuses on its weight.
Indeed, the weight of a web page has a significant impact (and sometimes underestimated) on its referencing and its conversion rate.
Hence the interest of this very simple tool. Once installed, a donut icon will appear near the address bar: one click is enough to analyze the page you are on.
Its weight is then compared with the average weight of 100 reference sites and you immediately have a reliable idea of the performance of your page.
Pagelocity: Pagelocity has a fairly unique approach since this tool analyzes your web pages by looking at 3 areas:
• On-page SEO: URL or title too long, excessive text size… As much relevant information as Pagelocity can point the finger at to allow you to improve the natural referencing of your site;
• Performance: this part is particularly interested in the size of images and scripts and, of course, speed;
• The code: a little more technical, this pole analyzes among other things your classes and Id CSS as well as the meta tags.
Yellow Lab: Yellow Lab is another very complete tool, although a little more technical than the previous ones, to analyze the performance of your website.
His analysis, which covers 11 different categories, is very broad: from the weight of the page to Javascript, through the complexity of CSS, it is a real mine of information.
There are many tools available that which are best for Website Performance Check or Server Performance Check. The tools also provide Server Scanner service.