Managing your money can sometimes be tricky. Budgeting is difficult at the best of times but when you have a multitude of assets and investments it can sometimes make your head spin.
But modern society has solved this problem. Now there are apps which help you not just keep tabs on your investments but can actually help you make new investments that could see your wealth skyrocket, all from the palm of your hand.
Here’s the lowdown to help you decide on the best investing app.
1. Albert
When have you ever heard of somebody called Albert who hasn’t been a reliable, outstanding citizen? Queen Victoria’s husband, Prince Albert, and the famed scientist Albert Einstein to name just two and now Albert the virtual investing app...
What’s great about this app and the reason it has a real name is that it uses artificial intelligence (A.I) to help you succeed at your investment goals.
Albert can manage your entire budget, telling you how much money you have to spend on investments and giving you targets for savings so that you can make new investments.
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There is a free version and a paid version. The paid version comes with the added bonus of letting you contact experts to get that much-needed advice to reach the next level.
With this much technological sophistication, it is worth asking whether you still need a traditional accountant. This article considers traditional accountants vs technological solutions. Be sure to check it out!
2. Personal Capital
This app is great for both your mobile and tablet devices as well as on your desktop computer. It gives you great visuals on the growth of your assets in terms of graphs and spreadsheets.
But it also incorporates your budget into the app so you can see those investments and how they might grow in the context of your income and salary.
There is also the option of getting some advice from a wealth management expert in some cases.
3. Spendee
This app brings together your bank accounts into one app so that you have a clear picture of your entire budget.
What is unique about this app is that it allows your friends and family to get in on your success by allowing them to see your investments and budget.
You can restrict elements of this so that they can’t see your entire budget but this is a particularly useful feature if you are planning a joint investment with someone, for instance, joint ownership of a property or a business.
4. Wally
Much like its competitors Revolut or Monzo in the U.K, Wally aims to open up foreign currencies so that you can keep and spend in almost any currency.
It is also great with budgeting as you can take a receipt of any transaction you make and add it in as a photo. This app can help you take control of your finances.
What Is the Best Investing App?
The short answer to what is the best investing app is it simply depends on your needs. If you are looking for software that can help you make decisions about your investments then a virtual investment app like Albert might be a wise choice.
However, if you are just looking for an app that can help you budget more effectively and take control of your money then personal finance apps like Wally might be for you.
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