Simon Hopes

Is it Time to Part Ways?: The Top Signs You Should Get a Divorce

About half of all marriages in the United States are designated for divorce.

This is a sobering statistic for anyone who hopes to get married someday, the freshly married, and even those who have been married for some time. While no couple walks into marriage hoping to call it quits later on, divorce is always a looming possibility.

And when divorce happens, you don’t want to be caught unawares. Preparing for it or even making the first move can go a long way in helping you overcome the emotional pain and other consequences of divorce.

For this to happen, you need to know the signs it’s time to get a divorce.

Here they are:

Serial Cheating

Although infidelity means different things to different people, you’ll know it when your spouse crosses the line. For instance, if you agree that neither of you will maintain contact with your ex-partners, it would amount to infidelity if your spouse keeps a relationship with their ex behind your back.

When that’s the case, your marriage could be charting on dangerous territory.

OK, you might be loving and forgiving enough to give your spouse a second chance, but if their behavior doesn’t change, they’re probably onto something that will break your heart. Ring the divorce bell.

The Fights Are Becoming More Common

Let’s face it: fights are part of any romantic relationship.

Though some couples get physical with their fights (domestic violence is a crime), the vast majority square off in heated arguments.

Now, it’s natural to haggle over various issues from time to time with your partner, and disagreement can spiral into a fight. Most of the time you should be able to reach an amicable solution. However, if the fights are becoming all too common and you rarely reach a solution, it could be a sign your marriage is on the rocks.

Try talking with your partner about the fights and how they are affecting you. If they're unbothered or unwilling to bring the fights to an end, perhaps you could explore the idea of getting a divorce. In these situations, knowing how to bring up divorce is crucial.

You No Longer Share Common Interests

When you were dating, you probably had lots of things in common: loved the same movies, watched the same sport, found passion in the same outdoor activities….

The similarities certainly continued well into the marriage, but gradually things changed. Now you no longer love the same movies and television shows: Heck, probably one of you no longer watches TV at all!

In some cases, this might not cause for alarm. It’s normal for people to drop old interests and pick up new ones. However, if you find that you’re not enthusiastic about sharing your new interests with your spouse, it’s possible you no longer enjoy their company. In a marriage, that’s usually a recipe for separation or divorce.

Know When to Get a Divorce

Divorce, especially when it’s not amicable, is a painful event. Especially if you’re not the one asking for the divorce, you’ll feel the pinch for a long time.

To protect your wellbeing, it’s important to recognize the signs of a troubled marriage and know when to get a divorce.

Good luck and continue reading our blog for more relationship tips and insights.

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