Do you start the morning with a cup of coffee?
You're not alone. According to Reuters, more than 64% of Americans consume these caffeinated beverages every day. Some brew it themselves while others head to their favorite coffee shops. At the end of the day, however, the taste depends on one thing—the quality of the beans.
After all, there's not much you can do if you start off with a poor product. Mediocre beans will result in mediocre coffee.
Perhaps you're interested in brewing coffee at home? Want to know how to make that perfect cup? If so, you're at the right place! We'll be sharing some of our best coffee-brewing tips below. Keep reading to learn more!
Choosing the Right Coffee Beans
Choosing the right beans is the first step in making good coffee.
More specifically, you want to pay attention to the quality of green beans—that is, those that haven't been roasted yet. You can learn more about these beans at ICT Coffee.
Ideally, you want to buy your beans from a coffee roaster—one that's reputable in the community.
Remember to always check the roast date. Generally speaking, coffee beans are at their best for about two weeks after they've been roasted. Afterward, they tend to lose quite a bit of flavor. With enough time, they will become stale.
Brewing Coffee at Home: 7 Tips That Will Help You Achieve that Perfect Flavor
A cup of coffee is not exactly cheap—especially if you're getting it from a fancy coffee shop.
Why spend money on it when you can just brew it yourself? It might take some getting used to, but it's not too difficult. You just have to follow the right steps!
Here are some tips that you might find helpful.
1. Use the Right Water Temperature
The flavor of your coffee greatly depends on the water that you're using to agitate the beans. More specifically, the temperature of the water. Believe it or not, but that actually has a big impact on how your coffee will taste.
Pouring water at a lower temperature (below 185 degrees) will generally minimize the amount of flavor that is extracted from the beans. More often than not, this will result in a more bitter taste. Pouring at a higher temperature (above 205 degrees) will allow you to extract more of the bean's nascent flavors.
2. Invest in a Burr Grinder
The size and shape of the coffee grounds matter. Ideally, you want to crush them into a uniform size, which will allow you to easily extract the flavor. Unfortunately, this is difficult to do with blade grinders.
What you want to use instead is a burr grinder. These devices are great in that they always produce uniform particles. Instead of normal blades, they come with cylindrical plates that grind the beans evenly. Many burr grinders come with different settings as well, which is helpful when you're trying to get the right consistency.
3. Don't Grind Your Beans Ahead of Time
If possible, grind your coffee beans immediately before brewing—that will ensure maximum flavor. Why? You kick start the oxidation process when you grind the beans. This is a good thing if you're brewing right away. If you wait too long, however, it can impact the flavor.
Another thing to keep in mind is the CO2. This gas is responsible for transferring the beans' oils into your coffee. If you grind the beans ahead of time, they can lose their CO2 content, which can result in an uneven extraction.
4. Use the Right Kind of Water
The quality of water is important. Generally speaking, you want to avoid hard water as the minerals will not bond well with the coffee's dissolved particulates.
Heavily filtered water should also be avoided. For one thing, it can lead to over-extraction. Not to mention that it can degrade your coffee machine's performance over time!
Ideally, you want to use something that's in the middle of the spectrum. Using soft water by itself is not recommended as it contains sodium—something that can result in flat coffee.
5. Measure Your Coffee Properly
Want to make the same cup of quality coffee each time? The key is to use the same amount of coffee per unit of water every time you're brewing.
One way to do this is by using a digital scale. As a general rule, you want to go for a 1:20 ratio (one part coffee to 20 parts water). With that said, many people go higher or lower. At the end of the day, it depends on your preference. That doesn't change the fact that you want to measure everything accurately, though.
6. Store Your Coffee in an Air-Tight Container
Store your coffee in an air-tight container once you've opened the bag. After all, the packaging that it comes with is not meant for long-term storage.
Ideally, you want to put them in an opaque container at room temperature. Avoid clear canisters (this includes glass) as they allow light to seep in, which can compromise the beans' flavor. Do not put your coffee in the freezer—the moisture can impact the taste of the beans.
7. Drink it Promptly
Drink the coffee promptly once it's brewed. Do not let it sit around; the natural oils that give it flavor will break down over time. Not to mention that it'll get cold!
Also, you should never keep the coffee on the burner. If necessary, pour it into an insulated thermos—that will allow you to preserve all of its goodness.
Brewing the Perfect Cup of Coffee
As you can see, there are several things that you want to keep in mind when you're brewing coffee at home.
Don't be discouraged if you don't get it right the first time, it can take some practice. Soon or later, you will get the hang of it.
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