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5 games where buying in-game currency makes it even more fun

We all love computer games to a certain extent. Whether we like to grind all-day long or spend an hour here and there to satisfy our needs, video games have become, for the most part, an integral piece of today’s culture. Many different genres exist, but with this particular article, we would like to focus on online games where gold or other forms of currency make a huge difference. More than that, we would like to highlight the 5 games where you purchase gold to make it all the more fun.

World of Warcraft

Called “a defining game of its generation” it is undoubtedly one of the most known and successful MMO games to this day. Even though it was released all the way back in 2004, the franchise still goes strong with updates and expansion packs. At one point in time, it was hands-down the most popular MMO (if not across all genres) in the world, attracting more than 5.7 million players daily in 2015. In WoW, gold is the primary form of currency that all players use to trade for goods and services. Gold is being sold on markets all over the web, so you can check them out and change the way you play.


Runescape still goes strong even after close to 20 years of being active. This game is a perfect blend of nostalgia and excitement that players all over the globe get from it. MMORPG genre would not be the same without Runescape, and that is a definite fact. Strangely enough, nowadays there are two versions of the game: Runescape 3 (the most up-to-date version) and Old School Runescape (reminiscent of the peak popularity times circa 2007). RS gold is the currency used to buy things, complete quests etc. However it can be incredibly tedious to earn it, so buying it just skips the grind, and you can dive head-first into the most enjoyable parts of the game. Trusty gold selling sites like Probemas have great pricing and will get you an amount of gold you need.

Clash of Clans

The rise of Clash of Clans can be attributed to some great features and being at the right spot at the right time. Around 2012, the mobile game market was stunned when Clash of Clans became the No.1 highest-grossing app in the entire market. It’s immersive, entertaining and super-addictive. Let’s give an example, a Professional Counter-Strike: Global Offensive player can have anywhere between 2,500 to 10,000 hours of play time. An anonymous person admitted he’d already spent 8 to 9,000 hours in-game. That’s crazy even to think that players reach such a level of competition. When talking about resources, CoC is all about gems. Gamers spend millions every on gems. They speed up upgrades, finish objectives and squeeze more out of the game. That’s way more fun than the usual grind.

League of Legends

LoL, developed by Riot Games, had its time in the spotlight as the No.1 online game around the globe for some time. Nowadays it has succeeded to maintain a loyal player-base of close to 3 million daily logins. League of Legends is a Multiplayer online battle arena primarily played in a PvP format. The game revolves around players picking Champions (characters) with different abilities to fight out in a 5 on 5 or 3 on 3 grudge match and see which team prevails. Upgrades, champions, different skins for champions and other goodies. While IP (Influence Points) can be earned in game, RP is much more effective with broader opportunities and look at what it can do:

• Purchase champions.

• Purchase champion skins.

• Purchase bundles.

• Purchase emotes.

• Purchase experience boosts.

• Change your summoner name.

• Transfer your account to another server.

Amongst many others. The only official method to buy RP is through the Riot Games official store or by purchasing Prepaid game cards.


The most successful football-sim in the last decade, FIFA is known-well amongst sports fans and newbie gamers alike. Electronic Arts have a real franchise which gets a new instalment every fall, so football fans and players get a new game every year. In FIFA, the in-game currencies are primarily used for a game mode called “Ultimate team” where you buy packs of cards (for earned or purchased points), open them and get players to create a dream squad of present and past players. You can also use FIFA points to buy players in player auctions and buy kits, challenge other players and do lots of crazy and fun stuff. Just remember that earning coins in-game is incredibly tedious, so players tend to buy coins for money and jump to the fun instead.

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