Creating a Thoughtful Classroom

FREEBIE- Tens and Ones Song!

Have you seen the video,
Teacher Tipster Place Value Song? It's great! That's why a number of bloggers have shared how they have done a Place Value Boot Camp in their classes. Well, that concept is pretty much lost on my class of international students, but I still used the catchy song- they LOVED it! I whipped up a little poster with the lyrics,...check it out!

Click on the image to grab a copy!

Each day, I have the calendar leader pick students to "act out" a number (If you watch the video, Teacher Tipster explains, if the student is a ten, they stand up tall with arms in the air, and if the student is a one, they crouch down into a ball- Good Fun!!)
We do it about 2 or 3 times each morning. It's a quick way to reinforce place value each morning, plus it gets kids up and moving. Love it!
I hope your students enjoy the song! Thanks for stopping by :)

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