Happy Poetry Month!

Hello Everyone!!
Happy April and Happy Poetry Month!! Poetry is one of the parts of our writing curriculum that I look forward to so much! We read, discuss, analyze, and even memorize poetry every week...poems that help to bring our curriculum to life. Kids love poetry. The tongue twisting words, the alliteration, the onomatopoeia, the fun language, the rhyme, the rhythm, and so much more. Teaching a social studies or science concept using fun poetry is the best! The kids keep all their poems in a poetry folder. They can take their folders home to review the poems and earn extra incentives for memorizing them.
But now it's time for the kids to learn about some of the types of poetry and write their own!!I have shared my poetry writing unit before, but I have ramped it up big time!! It is now about 73 pages of mini posters including many types of poetry, mentor poems, templates for kids to begin writing their own, some poetry anthology pages, and some creative ways for kids to publish their new creations! Here is a sampling of what is included in the unit!

For the Free Printable Poetry Unit CLICK HERE!! :) We reserve about 4 weeks to include poetry in our writing curriculum. This unit should take you about that long to get through if you discuss all the different types of poetry and have kids try them. I can't wait to get started!! I hope this helps boost your unit! Let me know! Thanks for stopping by! Have a great rest of the week! Joyfully! Nancy

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