our kitchen gallery wall & special gifts for the holidays!
i feel like the holidays are always a good excuse to get any extra projects around the house finished before you have company over or host anything. the last project we’ve had on our list since our move a couple months ago was the gallery wall in our kitchen, which was killing me because the wall looked so sad as it sat bare and white everyday. especially since we are always gathered around the kitchen table in there. BUT, bare no longer! and i love how it turned out. we partnered with framebridge once again (you might remember the beautiful gallery wall we did in our old apartment with them), and i’m excited to share our kitchen gallery wall with you today!
also, a code below for 15% off your first order, if you’re needing anything framed! (eh hem, holiday gifts anyone?!)
before we get to the gallery wall, i wanted to share one of the instagram prints we had framed as a gift for grandparents this christmas. (fortunately chances are low of my father-in-law seeing this before it arrives, which is why i’m showing you his gift!) the great thing about framebridge is that while you can mail in a physical piece of art or a specific print to be framed (they send you a prepaid mailer), you can also upload digital files directly (or link up your instagram account and source straight from there).
last year, i had two oversized photos custom framed by framebridge for my parents as a christmas present, one of their five children altogether and the other of their three grandkids together. my mom hung them in her entry way and my parents have commented multiple times about how much they love them. i love gifts that are on the more special and meaningful side. having a special memory captured is great, but printing a photo and framing it, and having it on display is even more wonderful. especially when it can be as easy as a photo from your phone or instagram account!
if you’re wanting to custom frame something special for a loved one this year, be sure to use the code LOVETAZA15 to get 15% off your first order. you’ll want to get your orders in soon if you want to meet holiday delivery deadlines, but the code is good through february 15th, 2018.
back to the gallery wall in the kitchen… there are so many great sources these days online to buy beautiful photographs and prints, but josh and i decided to print several of the photos from our travels over the past year or so and have them custom framed instead. we started with a food theme (bakery on the water in bourton-on-the-water, england is a spot we STILL talk about, as well as that picture of juliana’s pizza from brooklyn), and branched out from there to a few of our favorite spots we have loved to visit.
we also framed two prints i found on etsy of train station or airport departure destinations, which i customized to some of our family’s favorite spots we have traveled in the US and abroad.
one of the things that is so helpful about framebridge, is that they send you the proper hardware to hang it up depending on its size and weight. you can also see your art or photo in different frames with different matting on their website to help you decide what will look best in the end.
bless you, josh davis, for doing all the measuring, spacing and hanging.
and bless you, dear tripod, for getting this pic of the two of us together. :)
for those interested, a few of the different frames we used for the wall include the irvine slim, the richmond frame, the sonoma frame, the augusta and the ventura.
one of my favorite photos we took this year, standing on the top of warwick castle in england looking down over the quaint village.
it’s a little difficult to see, but we chose a special white mat with a black core for this photo of josh and conrad by the brooklyn bridge. it’s really beautiful in person.
one final frame to hang!!!!
AND we have a gallery wall in our kitchen and i love her so much! we incorporated a ton of different frames styles and colors on this wall, some with matting and some without, which i think really helps diversify and bring the wall to life. i get so happy when our little family is gathered around this table now, looking at these photos of favorite places that hold special memories and just feeling really thankful.
a big thank you to framebridge for sponsoring this blog post and helping us making this wall our very own.
don’t forget to use the code LOVETAZA15 to get 15% off your first order if you’d like to have something custom framed for your own home or for holiday gifting! the code expires 2/15/2018.