I'm always happy to stumble upon new work from my favorite designers, and ElizabethKimberly Design is no exception. The duo created a home that was one of my ALL TIME FAV
house tours to feature on my blog. So when I started to see a few peeks of their recent projects through the high-end builders
Jackson & Leroy's instagram, I fell in love (especially with that stunning vestibule pictured above). ElizabethKimberly Design is recently collaborating with
Establish Design as well, so be sure to follow along for even more design goodness to come!
Ahhhh the soft minty-turquoise of that door!
If I told you to combine crystal knobs, brass pulls, and nickel knobs and pulls all in one kitchen, you would think I was weird right? But look how good it looks!!
It's all about the ceiling details in this office ...
Lots of details to love here! An I love how every room is the perfect mesh between classic and fresh. See more from
ElizabethKimberly here.