Kayla Seah


Sweater: SEZANE
Jeans: LEVIS
Lipstick: NARS / DON’T STOP

Photography by: ERIN LEYDON

Bonjour from Paris! Another fashion week is upon us and I couldn’t be happier to be back in one of my favourite cities. The first day of travelling back to Paris is usually a mixture of fighting jet lag and attempting to prep the body for the busy week ahead. This is my 5th Paris Fashion Week and probably my 10th time back to Paris, so I kind of have the drill by now. Due to airport delays, I sadly missed the Lacoste show, so after we caught our losses, we settled in, took one hell of a nap and went on search for some food. I always head to Cafe Charlot for my first meal in Paris, it’s one of those classic bistros that can guarantee you some delicious food and a good scene. Since my brain was 6 hours behind still, I opted for a casual outfit that combined all the french staples – vintage Levi’s, a cream cardigan and a touch of red and of course a little Chanel. Can’t go wrong with that!

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