owls & monsters

owlsandmonsters.blogspot.com · Nov 12, 2015

DIY : Princess Scroll Invitations

Rylee decided she wanted a princess themed party for her fourth birthday this year. Well... actually she wanted a princess party, a Rapunzel party, and a doctor party.... she doesn't ask for much does she? Anyways we told her she had to pick one and the princess theme won out.
So the first matter of business to make it happen was to create none other than a royal scroll announcing the event!
It'd turned out amazing and better than that it was actually quite simple to create.
All you need: Glue Paint (dollarstore) Dowel sticks (dollarstore) Wood Beads (Michaels) 8.5x11 Cardstock Paintbrush
I first created the card in photoshop and printed it on cardstock (4 invitations per sheet).
Rylee helped me paint the dowel rods and beads gold, it took two coats with acrylic paint.
Once everything had dried I put the beads on the ends of the rods.
Then I put some good ol' elmers glue on the top edge of the card and applied the dowel rod. This was the hardest part, just waiting for the glue to adhere, but I found holding it for a minute and then starting to roll the cardstock around the rod help it form to the rod easier. Repeat this same process for the bottom of the card.
Once everything is attached roll the ends to meet in the middle and voila you have yourself a royal scroll! I added some star stickers to give it some sparkle and finished it off with some gold ribbon to keep it all together.

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