~ Bee Skep Pin Cushion ~
Happy Friday Quilting Friends! Its a Friday finish and a FREE-BEE for you!
Mr. Podunk has been a bee keeper for a few years. I've been wanting to make a bee quilt but something always keeps me from designing one. So when Jacquelynne Steves asked if I would like to be a featured blogger for her new Save the Bee's Block of the Month I was elated! If you would like more information about the Save the Bee's Block of the Month
While waiting for the Blog Hop to start I stitched up this super cute and easy Bee Skep pin cushion.
The little queen bee was a last minute idea that turned out adorable. I will not be giving instructions for the bee but I will tell you a funny little fact about it. This sweet little queen bee body is made from a cinnamon capsule. It's a pill filled with cinnamon! Cinnamon is good for regulating low and high blood sugars. I usually run on the low side. Anyway....with a black sharpie marker I drew some lines on a piece of scrap yellow fabric. Then glued it to the capsule. A black button with yellow head pins made the head. The only thing holding the button is the pins stuck into the capsule. The wings are 2 layers of fabric fused with Heat N Bond Lite in between them.
Now what does every Queen Bee need? ..... Worker bees!
After about an hour of searching for Bee pins I found them....in Jacquelynnes shop! Geesh....I should have looked there first.
Click here if you like cute pins...she has several different style of pins with different heads.
Okay let's get to the making of the pin cushion. First you will need to download and print the free templates
Click here to get the PDF. Since my cushion will just sit on a shelf as a trinket I used poly stuffing to stuff the cushion. If you want to use yours and need it to be a little heavier you might want to fill at least the bottom circle with clean sand.
Follow the instructions on the template sheet. Then using embroidery thread or yarn, sew the layers together as shown below. Starting from the bottom (largest circle) first. Don't forget to add a button to the top before going back down through the layers.
Pull those threads down snug and tie them together at the bottom and your done.