Snippet & Ink · Apr 15, 2016

Picking California poppies, a magical fairy forest, and have a wonderful weekend!

Gorgeous blooming window display by By Appointment Only Design.

It’s been legal to pick California poppies this whole time?! (If you grew up in California you were probably told it was illegal to pick them… I sure did!)

Have you seen these incredible moving sculptures? Wow!

These earrings would make for beautiful bridesmaid gifts.

It’s rhubarb season, and rhubarb streusel muffins sound delish!

This delightful short film had me in tears. What a magical story.

Can you imagine finding a $136 million painting in your attic?

Trapper Keeper and Reebok logos used to be in the same font.

J.Crew is having a sale! Would love to see a bride in this beautiful tulle skirt

Enamel pin of the week: itty bitty potted cactus.

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