Meaghan Alvarado

Self Tanning "Life Hack"

The older I get the more cautious I try to be about the sun and its skin damaging rays. I have skin cancer in my family, (who doesn't it seems) so I really need to be careful and there's no excuse not to wear sunscreen. However, I still want that sun-kissed look in the summer so thank goodness for self tanner and powdered bronzer.

Last summer I bought the St. Tropez Bronzing Mousse and only used it twice. It gave me a great color, but it was streaky and my hands were stained for days even if I immediately washed them after applying it. I was frustrated and disappointed and pushed it to the back of my cabinet. As we are creeping back up to sun dress weather, I felt the need to try the foam again. Like I said the color was great, I've since found out I was applying it wrong.

I searched for tanning tips online and found my life saver. If you don't feel like spending money on a tanning mitt, place a plastic bag over your hand and then put a sock over that. It worked like gold! The result was a no streak tan with even color, and my hands were not orange at all thanks to the plastic bag.

Other Tanning Tips I've Learned:
  • Exfoliate and shave prior to self tanning.
  • Wait for the color to fully develop (the bottle should tell you how long it takes) before adding another coat, you don't want to end up looking too dark. There is such a thing as being too dark!
  • Apply lotion at least an hour before using self tanner. You don't want your elbows and knees to be darker than the rest of you, but you also don't want to dilute the tanner with having lotion sitting wet on your skin.
  • Start from the tops of your feet and work your way up.
  • Moisturize! The next day and going forward be sure you are moisturizing to make the tan last longer, this goes for actual sun tanning too!
  • If you must tan in the sun use SPF more than 15 please, 30 or more would really be better.
  • Beach umbrellas are a must if you are going to be out for more than an hour. With a surfing husband we can be at the beach for a couple hours if the waves are good.
  • Reapply your sunscreen! Even if it's waterproof I try to reapply after going in the water, or at least once an hour.
  • Tanning beds, just say no!! I'm guilty of using them in the past too but let's not be ignorant of the facts and think, "oh well by the time I'm old they will have a cure for that." Just say no!
  • I am not a skincare professional these are just my opinions from what I've learned through experience.
    What is your favorite self tanner? Do you have any tips for an even tan and making it last?

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