Homemade Peppermint Sugar Scrub Recipe

Here is a very easy recipe for a Homemade Peppermint Sugar Scrub. This can be a fun gift idea or just something to whip up for yourself.

You can use any variety of fragrance that you like- I thought Peppermint would be fun for the holiday season. Lavendar, vanilla, lemon, rosemary, orange are all other fragrance ideas to consider.

Also this batch is colored red just to show how that looks. You can skip the colored mica and your scrub will be white. I think I actually prefer the pretty white color but that is totally up to you. For lemon and citrus fragrances using the extra coloring is a really nice touch.


  • 1 Cup Sugar
  • ½ Cup Coconut Oil
  • 2-3 Drops Peppermint Essential Oil
  • 1 tbsp Vitamin E Oil
  • Red Mica (Optional- this just gives it an extra shimmer and adds the color)
  • Rubbing Alcohol (optional- this will just sanitize your container)


  • Spray a container of choice with rubbing alcohol and set aside until dry.
  • In a microwave safe bowl, melt coconut oil. This should only take a few seconds unless you have your coconut oil stored in a warm place, in which case it is likely already melted.
  • Add in essential oil, vitamin E oil, and sugar, and stir until well combined.
  • Separate mixture into two bowls. Using your red mica, color 1 bowl of scrub red.
  • Spoon your scrub into your jar, alternating between the white and the red.
  • Store in a covered container at room temperature.


You can use this in the shower for any spots that might need a little extra exfoliating. I like this for my hands because they get so dry in the winter.

All of the ingredients listed above can be found at natural foods stores like Whole Foods or you can get everything you need at Amazon. The prices for coconut oil in particular are usually pretty good from Amazon.

And if you are wondering what to use the rest of your coconut oil on:

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