Victoria Hudgins

why don’t we – make watermelon soda

It’s Friday after a long, hot week… we should all drink a glass of cold bubbly soda!

We went to a party where they served homemade watermelon soda last week, it was naturally sugar free and amazingly refreshing. I’ve been re-making it. Daily.

Homemade soda has all the fizzy, refreshing goodness without the gross sugar and chemicals. I normally cheat it up and add fruits, honey, and homemade simple syrups to a bottle of club soda, but you can even make the bubbly part yourself with just a little extra effort.

It was such a treat at a warm afternoon summer party. Here’s a similar recipe you can make for your next gathering (we replaced the sugar with pure maple honey to make it both Paleo and clean).

While I spend the weekend sipping away, why don’t you make it too? Here are a few other homemade soda recipes I am dying to try:

Tangerine Italian soda

Creative simple syrups

Two awesome methods for making soda at home

Homemade Sprite and slightly off topic, homemade cold brew coffee (who else is freaked out by the Starbucks may cause cancer signs?)

Homemade blueberry soda

How to make a healthy homemade soda starter. We used a similar recipe when we used to brew our own Kombucha – it was pretty gross to actually make, but tasty and super healthy to drink.

Cherry vanilla soda

Cute printable personalized bottle labels to share your homemade soda with friends.

Three super healthy soda recipes, the watermelon and mint one sounds amazing!

A Manhattan soda which includes espresso… in other words, my perfect drink.

(Top photo from the book True Brews by Emma Cristesen, via Food Republic).

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