
How to wear a printed skirt 4 different ways

I thought it would be fun to show you how to wear the skirt and necklace I showed you earlier in different ways. These were actually the different ways I considered wearing this skirt on my outing to the Singapore boat quay.

Wear with a sweater

First up we have the skirt worn with a knitted sweater. Skirts worn with sweaters were very popular on the runways and it’s a great way to wear the skirt in a colder climate. Feel free to add tights!

Have fun with pattern mixing

For a more hip and funky look, add a printed top. In this outfit the necklace blends in, but still provides a nice sparkle.

Keep it simple & clean with white

And there is my short white blouse again. I love it with this arty skirt. This outfit would look great combined with a jacket too.

Wear it with more color

Just to compare here it is with the orange top again you saw before. The most casual and colorful outfit of the four.

Of course, there is plenty more you can do with a skirt like this. I have not even played with jackets for example or added black on top. A white button down shirt tucked in would look fab too.

Skirts really are very versatile and I have found that a printed skirt is fun and easy to wear. You may like to add one to your wardrobe too!

Skirt Vivienne Tam, cream sweater Zara, black & white blouse Donna Karan, white blouse Cos, orange top Alldressedup, shoes Ecco, necklace Jennifer Laiselle for Boticca.

Do you have a printed skirt in your wardrobe already? How do you like to wear it? Which of the 4 outfits above do you like the best?

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