Carrie Anne Castillo

Snapshot 11.26.14

— Just in time for the holidays, we are all sick. The whole fam-damly. This is a first as I don’t think we’ve ever all shared the same cold at the same time. As of this writing (Tuesday), Anthony and I are mostly on the mend but Isobel is sick enough to stay home from school and Elias has a constant river of snot flowing from his nostrils to his chin. I thought another cold in our lives would make me slowly go insane, but actually it’s happened rather quickly.

–I have another unfortunate health issue to deal with besides the cold, and it’s not serious but it’s more or less permanent. It’s also 100% preventable and 100% a doctor’s fault. I am really, really upset about it right now, so I’m not going to go into it yet, but I will because I need to talk about it and because other people need to know what to watch for with their own health.

–Isobel made us proud parents for life when she turned to Anthony and I and said, “Do you want to make fun of this movie with me?” Looks like this will be a noble family tradition.

As a proponent of cloth diapering, I think it’s important to talk about my decision for not cloth diapering my son. Do I still believe in it? Hell yes. But I can’t, in good conscience, cloth diaper at this time. I have not come to this decision lightly, and I admit to some trepidation in sharing my decision because unfortunately some in the crunchy Earth-mama camp in which I love are some of the least tolerant and morally condescending people out there. But as someone who cares deeply about the environment I feel it’s important for me to share. And, let’s face it, I’m guessing those members of camp crunchy mama don’t hang around Little Big anyway. So, what made me change my mind about cloth diapering Elias? Water. Cloth diapering puts less strain on the land in terms of landfills but more in terms of water usage. When I cloth diapered Isobel, I ended up washing a load of laundry every day. Where I live, the drought is particularly severe. Every time we turn on the tap, water our lawn, or run the washing machine, that water that we use is not being replenished. It’s gone. We live in an area supported by agriculture that feeds not just much of the nation, but produces food that goes all over the world. Right now, where I live, I believe the best choice for conserving the environment is to not use cloth diapers. To be truly environmentally conscious we can’t just blindly follow a movement, we need to think critically and make the best choice for our region and time and circumstance.

–If you are American, I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday tomorrow. Because my Aunt Debbie works at a nursing home and has a difficult time getting holidays off, we have our family celebration the day after Thanksgiving. Everyone comes over to our house and entertains the kids while I cook dinner. This is nice because then we get the whole day of Thanksgiving to spend with Anthony’s family. There’s no guilt of leaving early or arriving late, and we get to enjoy two fabulous meals.

— Internet pal Bethany sent Isobel and I the cutest mother-daughter infinity scarves that she made from vintage fabric. I don’t think I’ve taken mine off since it arrived. She sent one of her new notebook creations and a vintage sweater for Elias that I can’t wait to show off. She has some amazing infinity scarves in her shop right now, including a midnight garden scarf, like the ones she gave us. (How adorable is this one, though?) Don’t wait if you see something you like–they are selling out fast!

–Going to be early has changed my life. As someone with chronic illness, I need more rest than the average person. As someone with an infant who still wakes up a minimum of three times a night, I don’t get it. Especially since he’s up at 6 am pretty punctually, no matter what. I had let the bad habit of not looking after my bedtime catch up with me and it made every aspect of my life harder. Usually by the time I realized I needed to go to bed I was already falling asleep. I am a miserable human when I am sleep deprived, and although I can’t claim to be full of energy or even well-rested all the time, making sure I have an early bedtime has changed how I feel overall dramatically.

–Isobel recently inherited a recorder.

  • Isobel: Let’s play a song!
  • Anthony: Sure! How about Jingle Bells?
  • Isobel: That’s too hard. I want to play an easier song. Like the one from my movie.
  • Me: You mean Tchaikovsky’s ‘The Firebird?’
  • Isobel: Yes!

Follow Friday: 2013 Photos. Hilarious tweets and a blast from the past.

Snapshot 11.19.14. Meepers! Meepers! MEEEEEEEEEEPEEEEEEERS!

Scrapbook: Isobel & Kingston. Little monsters.

Little Big Collections: Vintage Mushrooms. Just a reminder that vintage is awesome.

A very cool map from Nat Geo of every space mission over the past 50 years. Via MeredithFrost

Snoop Doge. Hitting that uncanny valley hard.

Mallelis has replaced “praying” with “truckin'” in Bible verses. He hears the truckin’ of the righteous. Via seelolago

You bone your dog?

Hipster Business Name Generator. My fave was “Berry & Hair.”

Hero vigilante removes Julie from “Julie & Julia“. Perfection. It seems to be MIA, but I hope it resurfaces soon, because I need to see this!

Best Names for Boats. Thanks for this, Asterios.

German village plays prank on neo-Nazis.

Such Winter. Oh no.

The Case for Anne Shirley Blythe Trutherism. Anne gives birth to a time-traveler.

Shelley Duvall’s Faerie Tale Theatre is ALL on Hulu. I happen to have borrowed friend and Superwoman Ellen’s boxed set. Now I can return it! Via ModernSauce

Cat bookshop! CAT BOOKSHOP! Via ellekaypea

Cats, the most sympathetic of god’s creatures. Via Mr_Mike_Clarke

This GIF of the Rosetta mission is incredible. I watched this more than a few times. Via MeredithFrost

World’s most accurate pie chart.

“Chipotle: so good, you’ll vomit bees and decapitate yourself!” Via burritojustice

This breakfast cereal understands me. Via Toaster_Pastry

Kid’s Outfit Generator: In 3 steps you will discover what your kid will wear today. Via LetMeStart

22 Adorable Before And After Pictures Of Animals Growing Up. Via byshieldmaiden

Snapshot #9. What I was up to.

Scrapbook: Home Life. Ten photos of home.

Thrift Store Score: Vintage Buttons. Such a fun collection, and a favorite activity of Isobel’s.

Follow Friday: Guest Photographer Lauren Furlong. Mind-blowing photography on this one.

Thrifted Maternity Closet: Week 22. Isobel posed with me on this one and her outfit is a thing of beauty.

Snapshot 11.27.13. No one will know my secret identity.

Recipe: Garlic Roast Chicken Breasts. You’re going to love these breasts.

Thrifted Maternity Closet: Week 21. Aka the season of leggings.

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