November ’14

SF-based astrologer Jessica Lanyadoo looks into her crystal ball to forecast your fashion future—so you’ll be all fabulous, with no faux-pas. Be at the top of your game this month and discover your sign’s essential power piece (because you can handle almost anything that comes your way when you’re wearing the right outfit), emoji, ballad and more. Get ready to gear up—November’s got a lot in store for ya!


(March 21 – April 19)

Watch out for big reactions and intense feelings this month! Your subconscious motives threaten to undermine you if you don’t confront them outright, Aries. Whether you’re the instigator or the victim of needling, it’s not going to go well if you don’t get real clear about what’s driving you. So make sure that you know why you find that stuff so annoying before you bring it up with people, and on a more fun note, examine your innermost expectations with your crush/beloved. The point is to be honest with yourself about why you’re in it so that you’re happy with what you get out of
it, pal. Between the 10th - 16th, and the 20th - 30th you need to be especially aware of how you handle your relationships because explosive energies are going to be making themselves felt. Don’t defend yourself—but do stand up for what’s right for you. The difference is that the former is allowing yourself to get backed up against a wall, and the latter is all about holding your own.

There’s lots of energy in your career house (especially in the second half of November) and you would be wise to use it. Don’t take any shortcuts, no matter how tempting it may be. Connections you make this month will have important consequences in the long run, so treat everyone with care, and choose your frenemies and alliances wisely.

When it comes to love this is an especially fertile time, but it may be easy come/easy go. Don’t make any long-term plans with your new love affairs and play it safe in the sack while you’re at it, gurl. Enjoy what comes your way without attaching need to it immediately. Matters will develop at their own pace and rushing them won’t be to your advantage.

Power Animal:

Power Ballad:

“In Bloom” by Nirvana

Power Piece: Jeffrey Campbell Don’t Trip Suede Heel


(April 20 – May 20)

Don’t let anyone bully you this month, Taurus. The stars are bringing you plenty of opportunities to step up your game, and you are totally capable of doing it. The funny thing about these here “opportunities” is that they may feel more like pains in your buns than fabulous chances, per se. The Universe knows that you’re fierce and wants you to know it too. Think in terms of when to assert yourself and how much, and when to hold back and for how long; if you can’t come up with a strategy that feels right then turn to your most trusted loved ones for advice. The point is that no matter what you do, it’s time to do something. You are meant to handle your shit, so don’t let your fear of taking risks and making your mark stop you. The worst thing that could happen is not failure—it’s that you don’t do anything at all. Whether we’re talking about work, love, or even family, you need to get up and move forward this month.

Watch out for love on the 23rd- 26th; you may meet someone exciting but don’t count your chickens before they hatch. Be down for exhilarating experiences, but again, use your noggin and don’t hop on any crazy ride just because you’re invited. Use discretion and make choices definitively. The point this month is to learn about what works for you in the context of your relationships. The 12th - 19th may find you wanting to hide from the world and that’s okay as long as you use your alone time to do some serious soul searching. Your relationships say a lot about who you are; what you attract may be out of your control, but what you’re willing to put up with isn’t. Own your limits, Taurus.

Power Animal:

Power Ballad:

“Video Girl” by FKA Twigs

Power Piece: Hi Haters Sequin Tee


(May 21 – June 21)

If you feel like you’re losing your shit at any time this month the absolute worst thing you could do is tuck your head under the covers and hide from the world. Your perspective is a bit whacked and you need to talk things out before you jump to any harebrained conclusions, Twin Star. Talk it out, and when that’s not possible, Dear Diary the hell outta your problems. There’s something claustrophobic happening in your head and you can create more space in there by getting some of those overwhelming thoughts out of you. You’ve got so much to share that you’d be wise to pass it around, but don’t lean too heavily on any one person though. Ask for support from your most balanced loved ones to avoid any self-fulfilling prophesies to the tune of “nobody loves me” and “I’ve got to do everything myself.” You need to put a leash on your brains and set healthy limits around how long it’s productive to be worrying over a thing, and when you need to actively do something about it.

By the 19th there should be some sort of yummy creative or romantic stimulation to distract you, but make sure that it’s a good one before you get taken too far off track. Don’t loose energy chasing shiny things that has no substance ’cause you’ll only have more wasted time beneath your belt for your efforts. You are not far from getting what you want, but the limiting beliefs that have been holding you back need to get purged first. Be brave as you boldly go where you haven’t gone before.

Power Animal:

Power Ballad:

“Think Too Much” by Paul Simon

Power Product: OMG Oversize Tee


(June 22 – July 22)

With Mars and Pluto both opposing you in Capricorn, you have your work cut out for you this month, Moonchild. Pretty much all of November you will be courted by intense and combative energies that are most likely to crop up in your close relationships. The only way to handle them is to be authentic. Stay true to your self, even when situations and people are trying to push their agenda up on you. The astrological forces at play are trying to get you to take authority over what you want and help you find a way to make it happen. This doesn’t mean that you necessarily have to be a mover and a shaker this month. You have some meaningful introspective work to do, but don’t confuse it with inactivity. You are gestating a vision, so take the time to do it right. The 12th through the 19th is an excellent time for your love life. If you’re boo’d up, this will be your moment to either address any problems you’ve been sweeping under the rug or to do something special to acknowledge your honey. If you’re single and you meet someone in these dates, watch out for a romantic but hella karmic connection. Remember that just because it feels real doesn’t mean that it’s real good. Use your best judgment so that you don’t date some fool who’ll bring you the same problems as the last fool did.

With all this relationship stuff going on, it’s still important that you continue to pursue your dreams. With Jupiter in your solar second house, you may come into some money, but it’s just as likely that you’ll have an opportunity to figure out what you really value; is it money, stuff, power, or freedom? Don’t just work, Cancer; work for the stuff that means everything to you.

Power Animal:

Power Ballad:

“Cool Kids” by Echosmith

Power Product: Money Talks Coin Necklace


(July 23 – Aug. 22)

Believe in yourself, Leo. Sometimes it just gets to the point where you get so overwhelmed by other people’s vibes that it’s hard to tell where you begin and end. So take a break; carve out time to sort other people’s crap from your own. You don’t have all the answers yet and you’re certainly not gonna figure them out by reading all the horoscopes you can get your paws on, obsessing on the details, or evading your problems altogether. You simply need to calm it down and let things develop. Find your adventurer’s spirit and your willingness to be along for the ride, even if you don’t know where it’ll take you. You need to spend some QT with yourself, so don’t be scared of being alone—you won’t get trapped in it if you go long for some meaningful autonomy. It might just be the tonic you need to strengthen your mental health and your relationships.

The 12th through the 19th is an excellent time to get shit done, and anything requiring concentration and hard work is well starred. If you put the extra effort in at work, your higher-ups will notice it, so even if you aren’t rewarded right away, it’s worth the effort. You may have to solidify or justify your plans between the 23rd - 27th (urg; just in time for the holidaze), so pick your battles wisely, because it’ll be an explosive time. Be ready to communicate your vision or to have a good defensive maneuver at the ready, and only go to bat over what’s really worth fighting for. At the end of it all, I see you coming out on top; so do your homework and confront your uncomfortable bits for reals. It’ll be fully worth it in the end.

Power Animal:

Power Ballad:

“All About That Base” by Meghan Trainor

Power Piece: Pendleton Sonora Serape Blanket


(Aug. 23 – Sept. 22)

We all need a little sugar in our bowl, and darlin’, this month you’re first in line to get it. Go on first dates, Virgo—lots of them. Sex, sass, and hopefully some sweaty times are written all over your horoscope this month, so get it while the getting’s good. Be open to connecting to people whether it’s fun, exciting, or nervous-making. Really what I’m saying is LIVE. Let your heart pump like crazy as you do things that are not super rational but make you feel. Having experiences should trump thinking about the potential ramifications of having them. Whenever you’re confronted by the choice between taking action and holding back, you know what to do this month. Being proactive and pushing yourself out there doesn’t mean you should act without discretion, of course. Have fun, but use good judgment so you can tell when/if the tide turns. Pay attention to how you feel, even if you wanna ignore it because you’re on a roll. The lesson here is to know yourself through experience, and that means the straightforward, the complicated, and the awkward stuff, my love.

There’s this weird thing going on with your health, Virgo. Your body is more sensitive than usual and has special needs. Drink extra water, get extra sleep (or at least go for high quality sleep), and eat in whatever way is most balanced for you. Treat your body like a Benz ‘cause it’s the only car you get to drive in this lifetime and she needs to last.

Power Animal:

Power Ballad:

“Bang Bang” by Jessie J., Ariana Grade, Nicki Minaj

Power Piece: Nasty Gal x Nila Anthony Make Out Bag


(Sept. 23 – Oct. 22)

Life is hard and imperfect and that can be a total bummer. But it’s also beautiful and sweet and full of joy. Be very intentional about what you focus on, Libra, because your thoughts- even the language that shapes your thoughts—determines so much of your experience. Dial up an attitude adjustment this month and put your energy towards things and people that feed your soul and hold you up. How you respond to your life is key, and you have so much good stuff you can invest in. If you can’t think of anything awesome in your life then sit yourself down, STAT, and make a list of every beautiful thing you have to be grateful for. Practice remembering and being stoked on them, Libra, because you can multiply your good fortune by deciding to consciously experience it more fully and more frequently.

The last half of November is likely to bring you some crap to deal with, so don’t forget the first part of your horoscope! The best way to deal the hard stuff is to be direct. Don’t avoid confronting unpleasant or ugly dynamics, because whatever is coming up needs to be dealt with. Be trustworthy, even when it’s complicated; being kind and being nice are not the same thing. Favor true kindness by being genuine, even if giving in to others’ desires might seem like the nicer thing to do. It’s far better to be real and disappoint them then to give ‘em what they want now and feel crappy for it later. Be compassionate but firm in how you connect with others so that you don’t create problems that will follow you into the New Year.

Power Animal:

Power Ballad:

“Happy” by Pharrell

Power Piece: See You Monday Happy Face Fringe Sweatshirt


(Oct. 23 – Nov. 21)

Your brain is not your enemy, no matter how shitty or complicated it is. Understand that unless you have some sort of major mental health problem, you feel crappy when things are crappy; it’s a cause and effect thing. It’s not always obvious what’s off, but that doesn’t mean that it’s not something. Listen to the rumblings of your head and heart this month (especially the first half of it), because they’ll point you away from what’s not right. If you feel exhausted every time you hang out with a particular friend, don’t hang out with them for a while and see if that helps. If you feel down on your workdays, you can’t necessarily quit your job, but you can set yourself up with post-work treats to make your days brighter. By acknowledging your right to feel whatever the hell you’re feeling, you’re one step closer to finding the solution to what’s ailing you. Be your own knight in shining armor, Scorpio. Your relationship to the truth is deepening, and the more ready you are to live from that place in all ways, the better.

This is not a great time to be loose with the purse strings. Be careful with your finances this month (especially around the second half), because you may be feeling the holiday spirit a little early this year. Spend within your means, and do it wisely. Control your impulses long enough to figure out if you’re buying things for the feeling that shopping will give you (in which case don’t do it) versus wanting that hella cute thing (in which case, go for it!).

Power Animal:

Power Ballad:

“Taking Care of Business” by Bachan Turner Overdrive

Power Piece: Nasty Gal x Nila Anthony Mixed Feelings Clutch


(Nov. 22 – Dec. 21)

This month is bringing you some heavy winds of change, and if you’re unwilling to be a part of the changes, you may find things pushing against you in a wicked unpleasant way. Don’t let your fear of change, or worse—your fear of being wrong, screw you up. The only thing worse than failing because you were wrong is not trying ’cause you were scared, Sag. If you get caught up in defending your old position, you may attract some fights that you can’t win. Instead of proving that you have a right to your position, make sure you’ve earnestly examined it first. Do you really want things to stay the same? Do you believe in what you’re doing? There’s a danger that you’re fighting more to prove something to yourself than to whomever you’re struggling with. To make matters more complicated, if you feel trapped you’re likely to act defensively, which will only make things more dramatic. Take the time to get right with yourself before you try and make things right with others. You are meant to be working with your deep inner world this month, so don’t skip away from it trying to keep things light. If ever there was a time to explore your spirituality, this is it, my friend. Find something to believe in that supports your self-understanding.

Between the 19th and the 22nd be open to a super dreamy new love coming your way (yay!). Just be sure you’re not romanticizing the person, and that they’re not putting you on a pedestal. This will be a great time for creative work of any kind, or just taking a break if you can get it.

Power Animal:

Power Ballad:

“Soul Meets Body” by Death Cab for Cutie

Power Piece: Heart You Mean It Shades


(Dec. 22 – Jan. 19)

Things have finally gotten to where you want them to be and you can enjoy some forward motion, Capricorn. Hazzah! With heavy hitters Pluto and Mars in your first house this month, you’re in a powerful position, so use that energy wisely. Your community or group of friends is going through some major shifts, and while that’s not necessarily good or bad, it’ll bring the issues that have been under wraps in your relationships to the surface. Don’t let shyness hold you back from connecting with new people—whether you have the chance to network, make new friends, or tend to your old friends that you’ve lost touch with. Don’t let your get-it-doneness distract you from the possibilities that exist between you and the people around you. Also try not to get distracted by what others can do for you; think in terms of human connection, not human ladders, my pragmatic friend. Things are going to change for you by the month’s end and it’s unclear which way they’ll go. The only thing I can say for certain is that if you have kind and trustworthy people around you, your life will most certainly be the better for it.

This month is a great time to start something new. It may be a job, a relationship, or even just buying a new and comfy bed, but the energy is there for you to fortify the things that are meaningful to you. Enjoy the fruits of your labors and know that you’ve earned whatever comes your way. If things are not going well by the month’s end, you should take a time-out and make sure that you actually want what you’re trying to make happen. If the full force of your energy isn’t behind your actions, the duplicity in them will hit you like a boomerang.

Power Animal:

Power Ballad:

“All My Friends” by LCD Soundsystem

Power Piece: Seeing Stars Knit Dress


(Jan. 20 – Feb. 18)

What are you gonna do with your life? There’s what you think you can get away with and what you really want, and if you’re not in the works on building a bridge between the two, then you’re off track, Aquarius. With Jupiter trolling through your seventh house, you should lean on your relationships to help you figure out your next move. It’s not that you can’t figure it out for yourself—you totally can—but you don’t have the greatest perspective right now and could benefit from a different lens. Be flexible this month as all signs point to you changing your ideas of what you want and even of how you think. As the year comes to its close, you might be feeling a real sense of ending. While this may give you a little case of the sads, it doesn’t mean things are bad. Be prepared to loose what isn’t serving you anymore. Yours is a sign that’s open to change, but you like to have something lined up to come in next. It’s unlikely that you have a next-phase plan in the works, but don’t despair! True growth comes in unexpected places and unscripted scenes. Al you’ve gotta do is manage your fears so that they don’t overwhelm and derail you. Again, turn to others for support and a reality check to avoid making mountains out of molehills.

Love is on your side this month, Aquarius, and the best thing to do is to go after it. Go on dates, flirt your toosh off, or hold out for the kind of connection that you want in your heart of hearts. You don’t need to accept less than you are worth, now or ever.

Power Animal:

Power Ballad:

“A Place In This World” by Taylor Swift

Power Piece: YRU FU Slip-On Sneaker


(Feb. 19 – March 20)

Sometimes you just need to rally and make it happen, Pisces. More people believe in you and want to have your back than you know, and your job is to put yourself in the middle of all that good juju and soak it up. Your confidence may not be stellar right now, but don’t confuse how you feel with where you’re at or how others perceive you. Your lack of certainty is more about your feelings than your situation (thankfully). This month you may find that your crew is changing, and it’s unlikely to feel awesome. Make sure you know what you’re fighting for before you struggle to keep old friends close ‘cause if you’re being honest, you may find that you’ve outgrown some of them. It’s no one’s fault if things have changed; if a chapter is going to close, try to make it a graceful one.

There’s a danger this November that you’ll fuck off at work and that would be a huge waste of your potential. There is untapped abundance waiting for you in your work sphere, so make the most of it by giving it your all. If you work hard, there are likely to be big rewards, so stay focused and keep your nose to the grindstone, my fishy friend. Similarly, if you need to reform your health in some way, this is a great time to do it. If you’re not careful you may be overindulgent and unintentionally pack on the pounds; with Jupiter in your 6th house you’re likely to vibe towards big pleasure (read: pumpkin everything with whipped cream), or big payoff (read: getting back into your morning run). Just pay attention to how you treat your body and give her what she needs to thrive.

Power Animal:

Power Ballad:

“Gucci Gucci” by Kreayshawn

Power Piece: Lime Crime Zodiac Cosmic

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