This month’s workout plan! I included a printable workout...

This month’s workout plan! I included a printable workout tracker to help you stay focused, motivated, and to see your progress! To use it just count your reps and record them each time you exercise. By the end of the month you’ll be able to see gains in both strength and stamina (for exercises that are a minute long hold just record how many breaks you take). I also included a spot to give a check mark for days when you stretch and days when you drink enough water! Finally there’s the calendar at the top to record how much cardio you do (and what type) daily!

This plan is designed to really keep you motivated. You have a different workout each day of the week so it never gets boring and every strength move is one you can do from home- no gym necessary! I also included a short list of just some of the many ways you can get cardio in!

Since I’m only a few weeks away from my first bridal fitting (eep!) I’ll be doing this plan along with you! I’ll be posting my progress and my own chart each week. Plan on joining in? Post your chart & progress and tag it piecesinprogress! Each week I’ll give a shoutout to all my February fitties!

For more at home exercises and workout plans go here!

ps- Exercise is only one part of a healthy lifestyle so make sure you’re eating a healthy, nutritious diet along with this plan! Looking for some meal plan inspiration? Check out my meal plans page and the weekly meal plans I’ll be posting all month! :)

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