Christine Andrew

Drape Cardigan

DETAILS. Black and White Stripe Tank / AStars Cardigan (old in love with this) / AG Maternity Jeans (same non maternity here) / White Converse / Celine Bag (similar here) / Michael Kors Watch / Pave Disc Necklace / Circle and Dot Necklace / ILY Ring

I feel like my style is becoming more and more casual as I get closer to my due date. Only 2 and half more weeks until my official due, which really means this little guy could come at any time. I feel like as I transition into a full time mom comfortable layers will become more of my daily style.

I have been eyeing this drape cardigan every time I go in Nordstrom and finally caved in and ordered it. I love the loose look of a long oversized sweater. This grey heathered one is a super cute budget buy. Below are a few more of favorites:

XOX, Christine
Also I will be getting together with some of my friends this Saturday from 10-12pm for a Fashion Blogger Market. We will all be selling a lot of our clothes from designer to budget brands. Make sure and come by and say Hi :)

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