DIY Apple Pie Spice

Make your own custom blend of DIY Apple Pie Spice to make plenty of pies all season long!

I used to make a Christmas WISH list every year growing up. I’m pretty certain that I made one almost all the way through high school as a last ditch effort to get that pony I so longed for, and something to this day I’m only slightly bitter about…MOM. I was pretty well one track minded on the horse stuff – and I emphasized the WISH part every year. I know usually looked something like this…

1) A horse

2) Horse stuff

3) Subscription to Horse Illustrated

4) Horseback riding lessons

5) Horse Vet book

6) The new 98 Degrees CD

I had such varied tastes, can ya tell? With an adolescence brimming with the love of all things pony and Nick Lachey, I really should have expanded my horizons… And I think it’s time to get the Christmas WISH list back out again. Even if a pony is still going to be at the top of the list.

After last weekend though – I found out what else needs to be added to the list… a Safety Can Opener.

I used to swing axes at my feet, run with chainsaws up logs and I got taken out at the hand by the lid of a cranberry sauce can. Really, universe? As I was attempting to throw the dang thing away I ended up ramming it, edge first, into the bow of my hand between my thumb and first finger. Ben immediately jumped into nurse mode and patched me up pretty nicely. And thank goodness it happened AFTER I was done fixing lunch with the besties that had come by. Oh what’s that red on your sandwich, just tomato. I promise.

As a notorious picker, he’s making sure I don’t mess around with it too much and open it up again and get blood in the salsa or something stupid. He takes all the fun out of it. Geez. So, safety can opener it is. How lame. And they’re useless at draining tuna from the can. Next thing I know he’ll be putting bumpers on the coffee table to make sure I don’t kick it with my shins. No need for baby proofing, I just need to Megan proof it.

If you love your fall pies – make sure to get your mitts on this DIY Pumpkin Spice Blend, too! There is no such thing as too much pie. Truth.

PS – The gash is healing nicely. No stitches required.

Pumpkin Caramel Cheesecake Cones

DIY Pumpkin Puree

Blue Moon Orange Breakfast Beer Bread

Continue reading: DIY Apple Pie Spice

The post DIY Apple Pie Spice appeared first on Country Cleaver.

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