~Pizza Pot Pie!

Have you ever seen anyone eat their Pizza with a fork? No offense if you’re one of those people, but whenever I see that I can’t help but giggle ~I try my best not to let anyone see me…lol! Anyway, this idea was inspired by one of those people, so if that’s you..THANK YOU! :) They had no idea that between my giggles and funny thoughts, a new and amazing Pizza creation was being conceived that pretty much requires a fork!

You’ll need a fork for sure, or at the very least some alone time to get a little messy. This Pizza is everything we love about traditional Pizza, it’s cheesy, meaty goodness all snuggled inside 2 layers of flaky Pie Crust. It’s the perfect combo of a flaky, buttery Pot Pie & a delicious Pizza~no one will complain when this hits the table. As a bonus, the smell in your kitchen will be intoxicating…and yes, ‘Pizza Pot Pie’ could totally be a candle!

What you’ll need (feel free to fill your Pie with your own personal favorite Pizza fixin’s):


1 box of Pillsbury Pie Crust (the 2 pack)

9″ round cake pan

2 cups Shredded Mozzarella

1-lb. mostly cooked Sausage

8 oz. Cream Cheese

1 cup Cherry Tomatoes..sliced in half

1/4 cup Black Olives

A handful of sliced Pepperoni to cover the top


1 Egg for Egg Wash

A food processor..optional~but helpful!


Blend (in the food processor, or by hand) together the Cream Cheese, Mozzarella, and some Oregano until smooth. Set aside…

Brown up the Sausage until it’s either fully cooked, or almost done cooking through.

Add the Cheese mixture in with the hot Sausage mixture, the heat from the Sausage will melt the Cheese a bit and help it to mix up! Fold in the Tomatoes and Black Olives, until it’s all combined…

Place one of the Pie Crusts evenly into the bottom of the pan and fill it with the filling…

Top it with the other Pie Crust and crimp the edges to seal it.

Slice an “X” into the center for steam release.

Now brush the top with some egg wash…

Sprinkle it with Oregano, and top it with as much Pepperoni as you’d like…

Bake it at 350 for approx. 35-45 minutes, or until it’s golden and hot. Let it cool before cutting into it…

Slice it up Pizza style…

Use a plate and a fork…or not?~

Break through that warm, flaky Pie Crust, into all that Cheesy, Pizza goodness…and dig in! ~Enjoy!

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