Emily Meyers

Festival Hair Week: Flower Crown Curls

Hey friends! Thanks for visiting today, and I hope you stick around bit for todays tutorial because it's a really fun and much requested one! I love creating these quick and easy curls/waves in my hair a lot because they're faster than with a curling iron, they have automatic volume without teasing, the waves stay in longer than most other curls do, and I think they also have a really natural look about them, don't you? :)
Now I know that there are bound to be a couple of you reading this that may be confused as to why I seem to have an entire front garden on my head, so just in case you've missed the boat on the whole flower crown 'thing', just Google it and you'll understand real quick! haha
At any rate, I couldn't let my bohemian music festival hair tutorial week go by without adding in a flower crown, and these curls are so romantic and ethereal I thought they'd be a great match.haha Anyway's I hope you love it!
Tools & Supplies:
hairbrush // 2 clips or hair-ties // heat protectent // large three barrel // hairspray
Steps 1-3: (1) Start by brushing your hair smooth and free of tangles. (2) Divide your hair into three even horizontal sections, (3) tying the top two up for later. Work some heat protectent into the bottom layer.
Steps 4-6: (4) Begin crimping a 3 or so inch section by keeping the iron as close as your scalp as possible. On the second clamp down your section (5) remember to keep your hair between the iron and your scalp slacked and not taunt so the curls can set properly. Once you reach the bottom of your section (6) leave a couple inches of hair out of the iron, this will give them a much more natural look.
Steps 7-9: Once you've finished with the top layer (it should only take you a few minutes since the crimper is so big), (7) let down your second section, spray with heat pretectent, and repeat the process. (8) The same with your top layer of course, working away from your part. Once you're all done, (9) rub your fingers through your curls a bit (like you're giving yourself a head scratch) to loosen them up. Flip over and give a good shake, spray with some hairspray for hold, and you're finished!
At this point as you can see I added a fun little flower crown to complete my look, but you can of course go in any direction you want with it! The automatic volume from the lift you're giving your roots works great for any of your favorite up-do's, ponytails, messy buns, braids, etc etc, and remember that I'm always here for questions if you have any!
Also a couple things before I end: yes I'd love for you to pin this tutorial or any of my tutorials for that matter! I've included a little 'pin it' button to make it even easier to share with your friends so do't worry about that:) Also no, I'm not wearing extensions:) and yes, I'm planning on doing hair care/routine/favorites/recommendations etc so so soon I promise!!

Lastly as usual if you give this or any of my other tutorials a shot I'd love to hear about it or see pictures if you posted any, so please let me know! That always makes me day:) Thanks for visiting, and I hope you come back again soon! xo, Emily
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