Tonya Diehl

Neutral, Rustic, Glam Christmas Tree

Hey Friends!! Happy Friday to you all!!

I’m so glad we have reached the end of this week! Today, just happens to be my birthday & we are heading to Chicago for the weekend to do some celebrating!! We are also planning on doing some Christmas shopping! I’m so excited! Many people think that because I’m from Illinois, that I must go to Chicago all the time, but that really isn’t the case! I’ve only been to Chicago TWICE in my entire life! It’s actually a good 6 hour drive from where we are at in Southern Illinois! And although I’m not really looking forward to the long drive, I am looking forward to some time alone with my husband this weekend!

Do you have anything fun planned?

I thought I’d finish out the week by sharing some photos of our Christmas tree! Is that okay with y’all? I’ve mentioned several times, that we got a new tree this year. We purchased it at Target & I’m absolutely IN LOVE!! Because we got a new tree, I was inspired to switch things up a bit with our decor. If you have been following this blog for a while, you know that my living room is decorated in blues & usually, I decorate my tree to coordinate. This year however, I decided to take a more neutral approach. I’ve incorporated some rustic elements, but also included some feminine touches with some added sparkle. I just love when those two looks collide!

So, without further ado…here is our Neutral, Rustic/Glam Christmas Tree.

I did purchase a few new ornaments for the tree this year, most of which came from Hobby Lobby! I scored these little beauties when they had all of their Christmas ornaments 50% off! I love the contrast of the sparkly ornaments against the rustic burlap garland!

The ornaments you see below were left-over from last year’s tree. The wooden ornaments were a gift from my mom & the icicle & snowflake ornaments were just some inexpensive add-ons from Walmart!

We always have to take out our recliner to make room for our tree every year, but I always like to bring in the rocking chair from Griffin’s nursery to fill in the little spot by our front door. This year, I bought a cream colored throw from TJ Maxx to add to the chair & also a festive snowflake pillow that I purchased at Target.

To add some sentiment to our tree, I whipped up these Mod Podge Photo Ornaments last year. The tree has several little snapshots from Christmases past of the boys. I just LOVE them! I plan to add more each year. The larger snowflake ornament is from Hobby Lobby & the pinecones, from Walmart.

Here is a closer look of my snowflake pillow. I love that its neutral, but the beaded embellishments add that little bit of glam that I was looking for. To add to the rustic look, I printed off this chalkboard printable from Nest of Posies & put it in a wooden frame that I got from Hobby Lobby. Even though the frame is “new”, it has that aged, old wood look, and really captures that rustic feel!

And last, but not least, I love the new ruffle tree skirt that I made this year! If you missed that post, you can check it out HERE. I even included a video tutorial!

So that takes care of our Christmas Tree decor for this year! I have a couple more trees that I’ve decorated throughout the house. If I get around to posting a holiday home tour, I’ll be sharing those too! Fingers crossed!!

Thanks so much for visiting me today!

I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Linking up here…

Tatertots & Jello

Christmas Party at Thrifty Decor Chick

The post Neutral, Rustic, Glam Christmas Tree appeared first on Love of Family & Home.

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