September Marriage Goals [Update]

This month has certainly been a challenging one when considering my marriage goals. The first week I tackled familiarity vs. refreshment. The second week I jumped all up in my pride. Now, let me tell you something-- I really had to seek the face of Jesus to make me holy because I realized just how much my pride affected absolutely everything that I do, say, think, and feel. My pride had "sin trap" written all over it.

Contentment in the marriage routine and pride can steal all that the Lord has prepared for us if we only seek to be intentional. The beauty of humility is replaced with self-seeking jealousy or sinful thoughts and motives. When willing to allow Jesus to captivate my heart, my motives and thoughts are completely revealed and driven in the opposite direction. Can I get an "AMEN"!? :)

Instead of creating surface level goals, I sought to create goals that would require me to jump outside of my comfort zone. While I can always, always be a better wife and do a better job tackling my goals each week of each month, I truly wanted to take in each moment that I spent with my husband. As we await for his arrival home I want to continue to soak in the opportunities that I have to continue building on our foundation of commitment with challenging goals. These goals are not always going to be goals that I share within blog posts, but that I truly try to contribute within the here and now of daily life even when our world seems all over the place.

Each lazy day. Each dinner. Each conversation. Each laugh. Each FaceTime where we shared dinner. Each car ride. Everything that was shared during this month in my marriage became breathtakingly beautiful. It was almost as if I took pictures in my mind of each moment. Each joke. Each smile. Each heartache. Each encouragement. However, those images already are becoming fuzzy with time unfortunately. Here's to the waiting game and all that I am learning as I appreciate the grace of this season.

When I reflect back on this month I realize most that my husband is champ, y'all. Through the ups and downs of life, being married to a female who talks way too much, says means things irrationally, and has outrageous hormones every now and again, I tip my hat to him! Sometimes I think I would probably hate to be married to me. But then my husband so graciously and fiercely loves me. He loves my flaws. My failures. My female sixth sense. My long winded stories. My teacher crafts and lesson plan demos at home. My uphill climbs with attempting new goals each month.
As we transition from September to October, it is my desire to have a marriage similar to that of Fred's. Have you all heard the chart topping song on iTunes, A Letter From Fred? I heard it recently after reading this article posted on Mike Huckabee's website. I absolutely think the song is so beautiful, but the story behind it is even better. If you have ten minutes I promise your time will not be wasted watching the video below. I kid you not, I did the ugly cry. Actually, it was more like the ugly sob-can't catch my breath- kind of cry. But, I am weird like that when to comes to love and marriage. It's my thing obviously.
When I am 96 I pray (if I am still around) to be the wife that my husband needs me to be. I pray to be the wife that makes Tony want to repeat all the fun we've had in the past and the fun that is to come in the future.
*New to the Marriage and Relationship Goals Linkup? This link-up can be fashioned any way in hopes of inspiring your relationship with your significant other no matter your chapter in life and love. Amberly and I would love for you to join us each week, month, or whatever is best for you in making your relationship intentional. If you would like more information, click here. If you would like to sign up for the newsletter, click here. If you would like to read my past marriage goals, click here.

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