
you took no notice



summer rules

(to be responsible for your own happiness)

  1. write every day
  2. fresh air every day
  3. watch the good movies on your watchlist
  4. yoga everyday
  5. ask your coworkers questions about their lives and listen attentively
  6. meditate
  7. read like it's the most important thing to do (it is)
  8. tell people you love them. go in for hugs
  9. dance with your favourite music (naked at home alone or clothed in the club)
  10. put the phone down!!!
  11. swim in natural bodies of water (man made pools aren't the same at all)
  12. embody Florence welch all the time
  13. sit in hammock
  14. get out in the rain
  15. keep your room clean (creatively inspired mess is good too)
  16. hug trees
  17. smile with teeth
  18. don't let yourself feel scared by other people
  19. attend classes and workshops
  20. make rituals out of everything for magic
  21. do everything pretending you are an alien experiencing it for the first time
  22. and/or, live every day as if you have died and begged to come back.

idk if I need vitamin d, prozac, dick or an exorcism


All tbh

define hole / is a hole a real thing? / Marco Poloni, Black Hole, from The Majorana Experiment, 2010 / Flatfields Fotografien / What We Talk About When We Talk About Holes / Dark (2017-2020) / post / Disco Elysium / Twin Peaks: The Return (2017) / Donnie Darko (2001) / Outer Range (2022) / Kaveh Akbar, from “The Miracle,” Pilgrim Bell / post / Weizmann Institute of Science / Mathworld / post / post / post / post / Anne Boyer, from “Woman Sitting at the Machine,” in A Handbook of Disappointed Fate / Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords / Dennis Patrick Slattery, The Wounded Body: Remembering the Markings of Flesh / The Incredulity of Saint Thomas, Caravaggio, 1601–1602 (detail) / The Incredulity of St. Thomas, Bernardo Strozzi, 1582-1644 (detail) / Don McKay, from “Twinflower,” Field Marks: The Poetry of Don McKay, intro. Méira Cook (Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2006) / thierryetherve / Pathologic / post / Gregory Orr, from How Beautiful the Beloved / Tomas Tranströmer, tr. by Robert Bly, from a poem titled “Track” / Disco Elysium / Anne Carson, Economy of the Unlost / Pathologic 2 / Jonas Burgert, Sand brennt Blatt (2010) / Disco Elysium / Carl Phillips, from “Givingly”, Wild is the Wind / from “The Man With a Hole in His Head” by Rick Bursky / Rosario Castellanos, ‘Memorandum on Tlatelolco’ (tr. Maureen Ahern) / post / Pathologic / The Juniper Tree (Nietzchka Keene | 1990) / John Banville, Eclipse / Twin Peaks / Disco Elysium / VectorStock / True Detective / Night in the Woods


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