Nancy Ahuja

8 Proven Health Benefits of Ayurveda

The UNO recognises Ayurveda as a traditional system of medicines. Ayurveda existed way before western medicine was even thought about. Now, modern medical practitioners understanding the value of this ancient art of natural healing and trying to build the link between Ayurveda and modern science. Research on Ayurveda proves that there will be new advancements in medicine that can benefit people in a much faster way.

Ayurveda consists of herbal treatments that are used for controlling excessive inflammation. Some of these herbs include Turmeric, Ashwagandha, Boswellia and Ginger that are combined to reduce inflammation. It also helps to balance hormones which result in menstrual health cycle and pregnancy-related issues.

Ayurveda helps to reduce weight without affecting your physical and emotional stability. Check out this infographic that highlights some proven Health Benefits of Ayurveda.

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