Julie Gransee

Mini Mason Jar Lid Strawberry Pies

Happy weekend to you all. I hope you are not melting from the scorching summer heat like we are! Would you believe me if I said we are expecting it to be 120 degrees tomorrow? I could probably bake these Mini Mason Jar Strawberry Pies outside, NO OVEN NEEDED. See, these hot days do come in handy if you just look for the good in them.

I have to tell you how these cute little pie guys came about. I was playing with play dough with my boys, and we had a couple old jar lids mixed in with the toys to use as circle cutters. We started to make little play dough pies using the lids as the pie dish, and the boys had so much fun learning how to weave a lattice top. Little boy #2 asked if we could use REAL pie dough, and so since it’s summertime and we have time for things like that, we tried it! They turned out SO cute, and the boys LOVED them, so I had to share them with you. I wish I’d taken a picture of the boys’ pies, but honestly they ate them right off the baking sheet in 10 seconds flat.

I’ve tried to include some step by step pictures in this post, because while these do take some time, the process is fairly simple if you have some visuals. If you like playing with play dough, you’ll have fun making these! Think of it as cheap therapy :0)

You could really use any kind of jelly, jam, or fruit preserves for the filling. Little Boy #1 wants to try filling them with caramel next time. The ratio of crust to filling in these is definitely in favor of the crust. It’s buttery, flakey and slightly sweet! I just love it.

Ready for the oven!

Brushing the top of the pies with heavy cream and sprinkling them with coarse sparkling sugar adds the most delicious crunch and sweetness. You can find it in a specialty baking store, Michaels, Hobby Lobby, or on Amazon.

Bake them until they are just starting get golden brown around the edges. The filling will be bubbly and will thicken a bit.

Once they have baked and cooled in the lids for 5-10 minutes, you can just press the lid from the bottom to remove the pie.

What I Love About Mini Mason Jar Lid Strawberry Pies

  1. They are about 4 perfect bites. Perfectly portioned mini dessert!
  2. Kids can help! No perfection or super skills needed.
  3. They would make great gifts. You could leave them in the lid, and package them up in a little gift box with a bow.

Pie lovers, I’m looking at you. I think you’ll love these. Please let me know if you make them!

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Print Mini Mason Jar Lid Strawberry Pies
Prep time: 1 hour Cook time: 15 mins Total time: 1 hour 15 mins
Serves: 18 mini pies
Ingredients: For the Crust
  • 1 cup (2 sticks) salted butter, cubed and chilled
  • 1/4 cup granulated sugar
  • 2 2/3 cup all purpose-flour
  • 1/4 cup ice cold water
For Assembly
  • 18 tablespoons (a little more than a cup) strawberry jam, jelly, or preserves
  • 1 tablespoon heavy cream
  • 1 tablespoon sparkling sugar

Directions: For the Crust
  1. Place chilled, cubed butter, sugar, and flour in a food processor and pulse until you have coarse crumbs. Add water slowly as you process until a dough forms, add more or less water as needed. Pour the dough (may be a bit crumbly) onto a piece of plastic wrap, knead to bring together, and wrap into the shape of a disk. Chill for at least 2-3 hours.
  2. When you are ready to assemble and bake the pies, allow the dough to set out at room temperature for 15-20 minutes, and then roll it out on a well-floured surface. Check to see if the dough is sticking often, adding more flour as needed.
  3. Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
  4. Prepare a baking sheet with 9 mason jar lids laid out.
  5. Use another small mason jar ring (not the wide mouth size) to cut out 18 circles in the dough. Roll each circle out so it is slightly larger, and then place it in the jar lid, letting the dough come up the sides.
  6. Spoon about one tablespoon of strawberry jam into each pie.
  7. Gather and roll remaining dough into a rectangle, and cut out strips to weave the lattice top. Cut six 1/2 inch by 3 inch strips, weave them together, and then use a mason jar ring to cut the latticed dough into a circle. Use a metal spatula to transfer the circle onto the top of the pie. Repeat the process for each pie.
  8. When pies are assembled, brush each one with heavy cream and sprinkle sparkling sugar generously on top.
  9. Bake for 13-15 minutes, or until the top of the pies are just beginning to brown.
  10. Let the pies cool for 5-10 minutes in the ring, and then press from the bottom to remove the ring and lid.

Notes: This idea was inspired by my boys, and also from a post a while back from Created by Diane. Check it out for more ideas!

The post Mini Mason Jar Lid Strawberry Pies appeared first on Lovely Little Kitchen.

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