
how to wear jeans to work

How do you wear jeans to work and get away with it? This is something I ask myself on the regular. Because while I'm a huge dress lover, sometimes jeans are the only things I want to wear. Especially when you're heading to a chilly office. For work last week I paired these medium wash jeans {no rips Mom!} with a classic white button up. I layered on a gray ribbed sweater that's perfectly shrunken to allow the bottom of the shirt to peek out. Pumps were a must for really making this look work appropriate but I chose this red suede pair because I thought my outfit was missing a little color. To top it off I threw on a simple, yet interesting, necklace and grabbed my favorite black work bag. This would be a great look to take from work to happy hour! What do you think?

top J.Crew, sweater Banana Republic, jeans J.Crew, heels Dolce Vita {similar splurge & save}, bag Coach Borough, sunglasses Karen Walker Super Duper Strength {also here}, necklace Capweel Co. watch Fossil
Do you guys ever wear jeans to the office? Any tricks for getting away it? I'd love to hear!!

Happy Labor Day everyone!!


photos by Valorie Darling
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