Kate Padgitt

black and white

SHIRT Off the Shoulder Blouse (sold out Forever21, identical linked) | BAG Black Beaded Bag | JEANS High Waisted White Jeans | SHOES Stuart Weitzman ‘Nudist’ Heels (more affordable here) | WATCH Michael Kors Watch | EARRINGS Pearl Earrings

Those of you who have been around here a time or two have most likely picked up on the fact that I don’t wear a ton of black. My mother never dressed my sister and I in it when we were little, so black was never really on my radar. That, in turn, left me gravitating towards browns or greys or nude-colored leather accessories and colorful blouses or skirts – a trend that has carried on until now.

Perhaps I’m becoming more mature or chic or refined (let me dream) because for some reason I’m having a change of heart this fall! Nothing drastic, but a definite openness to the priorly-shunned shade, nonetheless.

I ran into this beaded bag at H&M and instead of moving on to something more colorful, found myself immediately throwing it into my pile of potentials. The intricate detail (and price tag, tbh) made me pull the trigger, and I’m so happy I did! I managed to squeeze some summery white into the mix with my white jeans, but this combo would look killer further into fall switched up with these black jeans and a white blouse!

Watch out y’all, I know this is earth-shattering news. Who knows what crazy change could happen in my life next!

Love from Texas,


P.S. Remember the incredible Tory Burch sale a week or so ago? Went on a limb again with this black beauty (the mn) for 25% off. It arrived on Thursday and I spent the weekend breaking it in. The verdict? In LOVE! Looks like we might be giving brown a break far a little!

The post black and white appeared first on a lonestar state of southern.

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