Christina Hitchcock

Chocolate Peanut Butter No Bake Cookies

These Chocolate Peanut Butter No Bake Cookies are an easy cookie recipe and one of my grandma’s best recipes.

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These cookies take me back. Like wayyyy back to the days when I was little kid playing at my grandparent’s house with my Barbie dolls.

This is one of those recipes that my grandmother would make every Christmas. I can remember sitting in their living room with the Mitch Miller Christmas album

playing on the record player while I played with Barbie dolls. I love the way recipes and food can take you back like that.

A few years ago, I lost both of my grandparents. They lived long, full lives into their mid-nineties. Luckily, my son had a chance to get to know them both and make his own memories with them.

Now, in honor of my grandmother, we make these cookies every holiday season. And, each time, I’m immediately transported back in time to their living room with Mitch and gang and my Barbie dolls.

One of the fun parts about this recipes is how easy it is and there is no baking is involved. Plus, it has chocolate and peanut butter. Anything with chocolate and peanut butter is a keeper in my book. And, if you’re family is anything like mine, these will be devoured in no-time!

I can still picture Mammy’s cookie tin, lined with wax paper and filled to the top with with these cookies. Those were the days.

The post Chocolate Peanut Butter No Bake Cookies appeared first on It Is a Keeper.

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