Berry Ambrosia Salad (THM S)

I’ve been making Ambrosia fruit salad for-EVER! My grandfather’s wife, my feisty grandmother Gracie’s recipe (who is in heaven now with my Grandpa) was a HUGE family favorite! It’s very NON THM but one day I will put it up on here just for the heck of it! It’s loaded with sugar. Yeah, it’s yummy but boy it will give you a sugar high then low!

With summer almost here in Texas and birthdays, graduations, parties all coming up I wanted a really fresh non-waist expanding alternative to my family favorite! This Berry Ambrosia Salad is pretty close! It’s also sooooo pretty to look at! What is it about pretty food tasting better? I love visually pretty food that tastes so good! And THIS is pretty darn easy to make!!

I used several different berries but you can use whatever combination you want (excluding cherries) to keep it an S.

Start with the whipped cream…

Whipped cream is so easy to make and soooooo good!! Add your whip into a bowl with sweetener and vanilla. Use an electric mixer and mix on medium/high until you get a whipped cream texture… about a minute.

These are the berries I used. Cut the strawberries up to little bite sized pieces.

Carefully fold, with a spatula, the greek yogurt into the whipped cream.

Fold the shredded coconut into the whipped cream mixture.

Here is the coconut I used. I actually found this at Walmart!

Gently fold the berries into the whipped cream mixture.

Lastly, cover with foil and place in the ice box (refrigerator) until ready to serve! This should feed around 6. This is sooooooo yummy and refreshing! I also added a little fresh mint from my garden to the top but it tasted so good I will probably chop tiny pieces of mint and mix it through out. I am sitting here eating this and loving every bite!!

THIS is perfect to take to BBQ or Pool Party or Church Potluck or any celebration! Hope you enjoy!!

If you are a Trim Healthy Mama this would be an S because of the heavy whip. If you are interested in ordering the Trim Healthy Mama book here is my affiliate link!

Berry Ambrosia Salad (THM S) 2015-05-07 11:03:10
Serves 6 A fresh summery salad that fits perfect into your Trim Healthy Mama lifestyle. Perfect for a pool party or graduation celebration.
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Prep Time 10 min
Prep Time 10 min
  1. 1 cup heavy whipping cream
  2. 1 cup of 0% Greek Yogurt
  3. 2 tbsp. of Truvia or 1 tbsp. THM Sweet Blend
  4. 2 tsp of vanilla
  5. 1 cup of shredded unsweetened coconut
  6. 1 cup of raspberries
  7. 1 cup of blackberries
  8. 1/2 cup of blueberries
  9. 2 cups of strawberries
  10. **Optional- chopped mint and slivered almonds on top

  1. In a bowl add the sweetener, vanilla and heavy whip.
  2. Mix until whipped cream texture... about 1 minute.
  3. Gently fold in greek yogurt.
  4. Gently fold in shredded coconut.
  5. Lastly fold in berries.
  6. Cover with foil and place in the fridge until ready to serve.
  7. Optional: top with chopped mint or slivered almonds.
  8. ENJOY!

By Sarah Criddle Mrs. Criddles Kitchen

The post Berry Ambrosia Salad (THM S) appeared first on Mrs. Criddles Kitchen.

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