Abby Smith

My weightloss update + meal plan

The one question I’m asked all the time is how have you lost the baby weight?! I’ve been meaning to share my weightloss journey with you guys – I have some before and after bikini shots that you would DIE over!!! I’ve had a hard time sitting down though and just writing it all out… because truthfully it hasn’t just been one thing. It’s been a culmination of things and it’s something that I’m constantly working on, something that I’m sure I’ll be working on for the rest of my life. Losing weight is hard — so. dang. hard! But being healthy day in and day out isn’t a walk in the park either, it requires a lot of work and effort, it requires patience with yourself, sacrifice and self-control — UGH. Just give me all the donuts mmmk? So a quick recap on how I lost the weight. I’ll hopefully revisit this soon, maybe hop on periscope and answer your questions? For now

The post My weightloss update meal plan appeared first on Twist Me Pretty.

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