Snickerdoodles by Sommer

To me, Snickerdoodles are the quintessential Christmas cookie. Nope, they are altogether the quintessential cookie. Not chocolate chip cookies. Not oatmeal. And for heaven’s sake, not fussy decorated cookies.

It seems there are a lot of people with this sort of reverent endearment for snickerdoodles. So what exactly is it that makes them so special?

Good snickerdoodles are light and pillowy, with a sweet tangy overall flavor, and a glistening cinnamon crust. They are easy to make, require few ingredients, and require no chilling time in the fridge. Plus kids have fun rolling them into balls and coating them in cinnamon sugar. What’s not to love?

Most of all, snickerdoodles remind me of baking with my mom around the holidays, and therefore will always be the top cookie in my book. Maybe you feel the same way?

My mom’s snickerdoodle recipe is the best snickerdoodle recipe I’ve ever tasted. I realize I might be partial, but just look at these little guys! Golden and airy, with that irresistible crackled top we know and love.

The two most important elements of Mom’s snickerdoodle recipe: she always adds cream of tartar, and she always leaves out vanilla extract. In fact, I believe it’s the only cookie recipe she’s ever made without vanilla extract.

Mom would tell you the cream of tartar stabilizes the snickerdoodles, providing the light, soft, pillowy texture. It also adds the tangy note associated with snickerdoodles. However, vanilla extract neutralizes that tangy note, and that’s why it is left out.

Of course, you can make snickerdoodles without cream of tartar, and add in some vanilla extract as well. I’ve actually tried this. But mom was right about these two ingredients. The addition of cream of tartar combined with the absence of vanilla extract makes a big difference.

To be honest, mom is right about a lot of things.

I really hope you try my mom’s snickerdoodle recipe this season. Something about inviting your kids into the kitchen (or your college buddies, for that matter) to dust little buttery dough balls in cinnamon sugar is both therapeutic and magical.

When you open the door of the oven and the aroma of hot cinnamon wafts out, holiday memories are being made that will last a lifetime.

Mom would want that for every family this time of year!

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