How to Make Mustard by Meseidy

When I was a kid, I only knew mustard as that bitter yellow stuff that people liked on their hot dogs. It took me some years to develop an appreciation for it, but once I understand mustard’s versatility, I came to love it!

Mustard is so much more than something to put on your hot dog. I think of it as a magical condiment that improves anything it touches. In this one simple ingredient, there is acid, salt, and spice. Is your dressing, marinade, glaze, cold salad, dip or pan sauce missing a little pizzazz? Add a dollop of mustard and you’ll be surprised by how easily it brightens and elevates its flavor.

I firmly believe that everything is better homemade, and that includes mustard. Yes! You can make mustard at home—it’s crazy easy and crazy amazing. All you need is mustard seeds, water and sugar, and an acid like wine, beer or vinegar. Combine all the ingredients, soak for two days, and blend. And just like that, you have mustard!

I couldn’t decide what acid to use in the mustard so I made mustard two ways. First I used a dry white wine and white sugar, for a Dijon-type of mustard. But I added some turmeric to give the mustard a bright yellow color. This white wine mustard is bright and tart, perfect for dressings or marinades.

For the second mustard , I used a malty brown beer, maple syrup and a little bit of apple cider. This one was my favorite! It’s spicy, a little sweet, and has a great intense flavor. It’s perfect for dipping pretzels, on sausages, or in a pastrami sandwich.

If you’re a mustard lover, you will lose your mind over homemade mustard. If you enjoy your mustard extra spicy, you can add cayenne pepper or horseradish. Feel free to experiment with these mustard recipes by swapping out acids and sweeteners.

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