Ali Martin | Gimme Some Oven

Baked Frittata with Roasted Red Peppers, Arugula and Pesto

Man, I am getting mushier and gushier by the minute in my “old age”.

(You know, my thirties.)

I mean it. I feel like I can hardly have a coffee date without my heart (and often my eyes) swelling up afterwards in overwhelming gratitude afterwards for how lucky I feel to have that friend in my life. I get all super sentimental about how freaking cool it is when total strangers wave or smile or say hello to one another, and what that tiny act of kindness can say about humanity. I look on in complete awe of this whole idea of “family”, and how crazy it is that people stick with these relationships they’re born into — cool and dysfunctional and rich and crazy and as they can be — over the course of a lifetime. I regularly freak out about the beauty of creation, everything from Romanesco broccoli to Johnnyswim’s harmonies to sunny Kansas City days to the simple brilliance that is egg drop soup. And don’t even get me started on the cuteness that is my pup…

I just love this world.

And while I know it’s difficult and messy and chaotic and unbelievably hard at times to navigate, I love that this whole “doing life” thing is a team sport. And we get to figure it all out and make mistakes and soak it all up with people around us.

I was feeling All The Feelings about this — yet again — when I had some friends over for brunch a few weeks ago. I mean, let’s be real, bringing people together around the table is pretty much my favorite thing on earth, so it’s a given that I’m going to get all gushy at some point. But watching friends hustle and bustle around the kitchen, filling their plates full of French toast and crispy hash browns this last-minute frittata, grabbing refills on steaming cups of coffee, sitting down and diving in, and then just hanging out and chatting for hours together? Well, it doesn’t get much better in my book.


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