Ali Martin | Gimme Some Oven

Easy Peruvian Shrimp

Do you ever find yourself getting in flavor ruts?

For the past few years, I feel like 90% of the stuff I’ve cooked at home tends to fall in the Mexican, Italian, Mediterranean, American, Vietnamese or Thai sort of categories. And while those are all my faves and are so dang delicious, I’ve been craving some new ethnic flavor profiles lately. I tend to gravitate toward food that’s on the fresh and healthier side and features nice bold flavors, but doesn’t require tons of unusual spices or such that I’ll use once and then never again. Stuff that’s easy to adapt for different diets, especially if I’m having friends over with different health needs. And stuff that’s — well, you know me — quick an easy to prepare. ;)

Well, I feel like I’m going to be on this little flavor mission for awhile. So if you have any recommendations, I wanna hear ’em!

But in addition to this yummy green Guatemalan pepitas sauce that I shared on the blog last week, one of my other favorite discoveries of the month is this ultra-simple and ultra-flavorful Peruvian seasoning mix that I used to make a red sauce for shrimp. This whole dish can be ready to go in less than 15 minutes, it’s made with spices that you probably already have in your pantry, it’s naturally gluten-free, and it is full of big, bold flavors that I think you are positively going to love.

Peruvian food, for the win!


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