Julie Fagan

Blueberry Breakfast Casserole

This blueberry breakfast casserole is both gluten-free and dairy-free and a delicious twist on French toast casserole. Slightly sweet and bursting with fresh blueberry flavor, the casserole is prepped the night before for an easy dish you can throw in the oven in the morning and enjoy for a celebratory brunch or lazy Sunday morning breakfast. Thank you so much to Van’s for teaming up with me to share this recipe!

Something about summertime approaching makes me want to incorporate fresh berries into as many meals as possible. Blueberries are one of my favorites since they’re perfectly pop-able, packed with antioxidants, incredibly delicious and beautifully blue. After a quick wash, they’re ready to eat and I love throwing them into a cup of Greek yogurt or a hot bowl of oatmeal for breakfast. But sometimes I want something a little more fun for breakfast!

When I’m in the mood for a breakfast that feels a little more special – the kind of breakfast you want to whip up for a celebratory brunch or a lazy Sunday morning at home with your family – a breakfast casserole is hard to beat.

This blueberry breakfast casserole is inspired by indulgent French toast casseroles I’ve loved at family parties for years but it’s quite a bit healthier and not overwhelmingly sweet. Plus, it’s a little more unique since the base of this casserole is a combination of frozen gluten-free blueberry and ancient grains waffles.

I used Van’s gluten-free blueberry and ancient grains waffles which are certified gluten free, but tasty enough for the whole family to enjoy. (They also provide 23g nutrient-dense whole grains and 6g fiber!) Rather than toasting them up and topping them with syrup, I broke the frozen waffles into pieces before pouring a mixture of eggs, almond milk and cinnamon overtop and sprinkling everything with fresh blueberries. And I did all of this the night before I wanted to bake the casserole. It’s a great dish to prep ahead of time and quickly pull out of the fridge to bake for brunch when you have people coming over and don’t want to feel frazzled or rushed the morning everyone is set to arrive.

Oh and this one also makes a fantastic breakfast-for-dinner recipe if you’re looking to change things up a bit. (Yes, I’m speaking from experience on that one!)

This recipe is both gluten-free and dairy-free but still full of the delicious flavor you would expect from a blueberry French toast casserole. I hope you enjoy it as much as we did in our house!

Blueberry Breakfast Casserole

Serves 6



  1. Brake frozen waffles up into large pieces and sprinkle on the bottom of a 9×9 baking dish sprayed with cooking spray.
  2. Whisk eggs and egg whites together and combine with almond milk, cinnamon and maple syrup. Pour over waffles and sprinkle with fresh blueberries.
  3. Cover and refrigerate overnight.
  4. Preheat oven to 350. Bake for approximately 60 minutes or until middle is cooked through.
  5. Top with a drizzle of maple syrup or fresh berries and enjoy!

A few notes: If you prefer a different berry to blueberries, feel free to swap the blueberries for raspberries, blackberries or strawberries! Adding chopped pecans or walnuts to the casserole is also fantastic if you prefer the addition of a nutty crunch.

Question of the Day

  • What is your favorite way to incorporate berries into your breakfast?


Disclaimer: This blog post is sponsored by Van’s. I truly hope you enjoy the recipe and thank you sincerely for your support surrounding sponsored posts. I really appreciate it!

Van’s waffles are available at grocery stores, mass merchandisers and natural food retailers nationwide. To find Van’s waffles in a store near you visit their store locator. You may also enter a giveaway for a $100 gift card, $25 in Van’s coupons and a cute lunch set by clicking here. Good luck!

The post Blueberry Breakfast Casserole appeared first on Peanut Butter Fingers.

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