Linda Gardner

How to Sew Doll Pillows Tutorial

Hello craftaholics! Last month I shared a tutorial for sewing a doll quilt and today I’m back with instructions for these adorable doll pillows. Aren’t they sweet? My four year old daughter loves this addition to her play room.

Making your own doll pillows are simple and only take about 30 minutes. If you’re like me and always looking for last minute birthday gifts, this will save your day!

How to Sew Doll Pillows Tutorial


For square pillow: two pieces of fabric measuring 5 x 5 inches each, 22″ of ruffled lace, pillow stuffing, pins, thread, and a sewing machine.

For rectangular pillow: two pieces of fabric measuring 6 x 10 inches each, pillow stuffing, pins, thread, and a sewing machine.

Note: I used two contrasting fabrics for each of these pillows, but you can use the same fabric for both sides if you like.


Take one pillow piece and pin the lace to all four sides. Starting at one corner, allow one inch of lace to hang off the end and pin the lace so its top edge points toward the center of the fabric and the bottom lines up with fabric’s raw edge. Use the fabric’s edge to help you pin in a straight line, but leave about 1/8 of an inch between the lace edge and the fabric’s edge. This will allow for the 1/4 inch seam allowance we will use while stitching the pillow together.

Once you have pinned the lace around all four sides, overlap the ends of the lace and pin them down. Stitch the lace to the fabric using a straight stitch. This will keep the lace in place while you sew the two pieces of fabric together. Trim the overlapping edges of lace at the corner.

Pin the two pieces of square fabric together with the right sides facing (those are the pretty sides). Line up the edges and pin them together.

At your sewing machine, sew these together with a straight stitch and a 1/4 inch seam allowance. (This means your needle should be sewing 1/4 inch from the raw edge of the fabric. Line the edge of your presser foot up with the edge of the fabric to make this easy). Leave a 3 inch opening so you can turn the pillow right side out.

Clip the corners and turn the pillow right side out through the opening. Push the corners out using a point turner (or just a good old fashioned pencil or pair of scissors). Press the fabric well with a hot iron to make sure the sides and corners are crisp.

Stuff the pillow with a little bit of stuffing (but not too much, or the pillow will be too thick). Turn the raw edges of the opening under and then pin the opening closed.

Back at your machine, stitch around all four sides of the pillow with a 1/16 inch seam allowance. This will close the opening and add some nice topstitching detail to the pillow. Alternately, you could hand stitch the opening closed and omit topstitching around the whole pillow.

You’re done!


To make the rectangular pillow, follow all of the steps above except for adding the lace. Start by pinning the two rectangular pieces of fabric together with right sides facing, and continue through the rest of the instructions.

Add these to your doll quilt and you’ve got a tiny bedding set any girl will love! Don’t forget to make a coordinating doll blanket!

Thanks so much for reading, Craftaholics. I hope to see you over at my own blog, CailaMade, where I do a lot of sewing for my three kids and… um, everything else! Happy Sewing!

Have you made doll crafts before? What doll items have you made?

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