Kitchen Fun With My 3 Sons

Awesome Lego Movie Pancakes for Breakfast

We went to see the new Lego Movie a couple of weeks ago & my boys thought it was AWESOME! You will get the whole awesome thing once you see it. I am not big on kids movies at all, but thought this movie was so well made & funny! We decided to make Lego Movie Pancakes & my 3 year old just loved this!
Lego Movie Pancakes
Pancake Mix (we like Bisquick) Cocoa 2 Chocolate Chips 1 Marshmallow 1 Strawberry 1 Clementine Nutella
Start out by mixing your pancake mix according to the box directions. We separated the mix into 2 bowls & mixed a little cocoa in one of them to make chocolate pancakes. Pour your regular mix in a pan on low heat & shape the head. It does not have to look perfect. Just cut around the edges using kitchen scissors to shape. Make a couple more small pancakes using the chocolate mix & then cut out the hair & shirt pieces using the kitchen scissors. We used clementine slices for the construction outfit. We used 2 chocolate chips for the eyes. We cut the ends off of a marshmallow & shaped one end into teeth & the other end into the top of his shirt. We cut the tip off of a strawberry to make the tongue.
We used Nutella to write Awesome on the top by spooning a small amount in a baggie & snipping off the edge to pipe it on.
Here is a close up...

My 3 year old thought that this was the most awesome breakfast ever!!

If you have a fan of the Lego Movie or leggos you should definitely make this breakfast...they will love it!

You can view all of our other fun breakfast ideas HERE!
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